Chapter 6:Mourning and Death

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"I'm sorry Artemis"Kaida softly said.

We had buried Ruby in the field we had trained,where we had made memories....I knew she'd enjoy resting peacefully there....
I tried not to cry the entire time I held back tears,Ryuu,Kaida and I were the only ones there...

"I'll miss the sweet smile you'd give before we'd fly,the reasurring voice you'd use,and those beautiful eyes that showed so much care,because of me,i'll never see any of those again"I said,too grieved to say anymore,then Kaida put a reasurring hand

"Artemis?It wasn't your fault,you shoud'nt dwindle on the past,Ruby woud not want that,she'd want you happy"Kaida said.

I immediately smiled and I said to her grave

"Wherever you are,I want you to fly freely and fly in passion,and embrace wherever it will take you"I said,finally leaving her side.

(At noon)

"Kaida?"I said"It's time"

So we went out and we flew on Ryuu to Aerona's peak,there was a lava pit nearby and that was where Avdimi would die,Kaida was emotionless,and I knew why...

Avdimi walked in his claws dulled and his wings cut,unabling him to fly,he stood in front of the lava pit,and Kaida's fater said:

"Let it be known that Avdimi has been guilty of using enhancing dust in a duel,he is also guilty of murder,due to the ehancing dusts powers,he shall now be sentenced to death,in fire...."

Avdimi gave a pitiful look at Kaida,who ignored it,then he dived into the pit.Burning sounds and dragon cries of pain were combined and that shook Kaida back into reality,she sat down and bursted into tears,the only thing I could do was hug her.

"I-i m sorry....."she kept murmuring over and over again.....I looked at the lava pit where all of a sudden it was quiet,Kaida looked up her eyes red,it was over,Avdimi was dead..........

Everyone left back to the castle,nobody said a word on the way back,I knew the few people there were affected by Avdimi's death.

(At the castle)

I had gotten off Ryuu who was in the stables,sleeping,and I saw the sunset in the tree where we had defeated Kaida and Ryuu in the mock battle,where we used her fireball....I smiled at the memory,I held a piece of her armor,the one on her wing which was seared now.I looked at it and I remembered her face.I could do nothing now but cry,so I did,I cried until I felt like I dried my body of it's liquids...

After a while I stopped,feeling parched,I had gotten water and drunk,then I returned to the tree,and sat down again,then I heard a rustling in the tree leaves I turned around and I saw a faint figure of a face I knew to well....
Then her body started to form,not in her normal red,but in an incredibly pale red,her eyes were still the same

"Hello Artemis,stop looking like youv'e seen a ghost,i'm still Ruby"Ruby's ghost said.

I was dumbfounded,then I finally spoke

"I-i dont believe this,w-why are you h-here?"I said,I didn't believe it,I was looking at a dragon's soul,Ruby's soul...

"I coudn't rest peacefully,I had to see my rider one last time,even if he looks like an idiot,staring at me"Ruby said,teasingly

"Hey!Oh well,it's good to see you again"I said

She smiled and began to disappear,she could now rest in peace,the last thing I saw was her smile,then I was alone again....

I had looked at the moon and tears of joy fell,knowing now she was in a better place.....
I sat back down and fell asleep,I had a dream,I was flying on Ruby in the sunset,it seemed so real,but I knew it was just a dream...

(At dawn)

I guess i'm gonna go home,what's done is done....I had no use here now...

"Kaida!I guess this is goodbye"I said,finding her with Ryuu,stroking him

"Oh...Artemis,*sigh,I know you'll hate me for this but-"then Kaida leaned over to me and.......slapped me,really hard.

I swear Ryuu was laughing in a dragonic way,

"What was that for!!??"I asked,rubbing my now red right cheek

"That was for throwing a fireball at me and sending me to the ground!"She tried sounding mad but the playfullness in her voice gave it away.

"Hey there were no rules!"I said defending myself

"Yeah but,but,"Kaida said,then she sighed and hugged me

"So this is goodbye"she said"Then i'll let you know,you going to be the worst boyfriend in the world,seems you dont know what romance is!"Kaida said

I shook my head and turned around,then I turned again and asked:

"Hey,could you send me back home?".....

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