"Why wouldn't I? Born into the Zoldyck family, ruthless killer. And aren't you the heir? So, yeah!" Gon shut his mouth before he began rambling, something Ging complains that he does a lot.

"Unfortunately I don't make small talk with my targets." Killua hummed, turning on his heel. He grabbed his shirt and draped it over his shoulder. Kicking on his shoes, he grabbed hold of the doorknob. "Thanks for the water and the ponytail, I guess, but I'll be back soon." Just as Killua turned to the door, he hesitated. "What makes you so sure I can't beat you?" He said slowly, his head low and eyes still on the door.

"You don't want to." Gon spoke just above a whisper, matching Killua's tone. The assassin's head shot up. Quickly, electric aura spewed to vexation. Gon shifted on his feet in cautious anticipation. "You kill because you have to, not because you want to. In our fight, you had no bloodlust. That's why you failed. During the Chimera Ant invasion, I had encountered hundreds of monsters and all they did was hunger and crave for blood. They were sick, all they saw was red. Not you. A Zoldyck must kill, they have no choice. Their desires, their wants don't matter. You must have been whipped into a killer the moment you were born. No choice, no room for error, no love-."

"SHUT UP!" Killua whipped his head around to face Gon. His eyes threatened tears. "You're one to talk. Your only family is some shit head who's hardly there for you. Forced you be a hunter, forced you into this life. I have people who honestly care for and love me. You don't." Before another moment could pass, Killua left, slamming the door. The room shook slightly from the impact. Gon sighed, putting his hands on his hips. Alone in a room again. Alone. Again.


Stomping on the dirt path, Killua found himself home once more, to Canary's shock.

"Master Killua! You've returned so quickly!" She moved to the side as she bowed. Killua passed without looking at her.

"Just don't tell my dad. I'll be in and out." The shortness in his voice alerted Canary that something was wrong, but she said nothing. Killua made it to the mansion faster than he usually did, his wrath quickening his strut. He was fed up with the people in his house, more so than standard. But his rage with Gon surpassed his family woes. Besides there was someone home he did want to see. If I can't win, why try!? He yelled internally. Storming across the halls, he luckily didn't run into his parents or brothers. No one loves me, my ass. Making his way to the basement he unlocked the first door in the corridor to her room. Then the second. Once he passed the third, there was no doubt someone was now watching from the cameras. They always did, it doesn't matter. Furiously he stomped door to door, punching in the right code for each one. The deeper he went the more his blood simmered.

Keeping her down here for so long.

Eventually he got to her door. Instead of typing a quick code to get passed, he knocked.

"Come in." Her voice was enough to melt all his wrath. Joyous and pure, despite her entrapment. Gon's working with a peace maker. Some "professional" couldn't do shit compared to how Killua feels when with her. He typed in the code onto the panel in the side of the door that kept it locked. With a click, it opened. Looking around at the room, it was nice compared to the prison doors leading up to it. The room is still a cell, no matter how nice it is. Sat up in her bed, she slowly looked at Killua still standing at the door. A half smile placed across her face. Dark eyes contrast with ghost white skin. But as she saw Killua, her blue eyes, and the pink in her skin returned. "Big brother!" She exclaimed, hopping off the bed as fast as she could. Her nightgown danced across her legs as she ran up to him. Jumping up, she wrapped her arms across his neck as he picked her up.

"Sorry Alluka, I didn't realize you were still in bed." He chuckled, carrying her back to the pink mattress, patting her head.

"No it's ok, I was having a lazy morning. I wasn't expecting to see you today! I missed you big brother." As she was put down on the bed again, Killua sat across from her, sitting on his legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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