Jill shakes her head at him. "Shouldn't have killed all those people, Trev. Gone and put it on video even. But it means a lot that you did it for me."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I am not the girl you cheat on!" She moves the gun and pulls the trigger. Trevor screams as the bullet goes into his crotch.

"Ooh, that has to hurt," I mutter, shaking my head.

"I've gone through everything," Charlie says. "We're definitely good on timeline."

Jill turns back to Trevor. "Oh, yeah. We're perfect."

"No, no, no, please!" Trevor begs right before Jill shoots him in the forehead.

Jill turns to us. "Ready for act three?"

Charlie grabs Trevor's body and drags him into the living room. "Got it figured out yet, girls? In keeping with the remake theme, Trevor's this generation's Billy Loomis, and we're the innocent victims, Sidney and Diana and Randy, all in two.

"See, with the two of you, the world just heard about what happened," Jill says to us. "But with us, they're gonna see it." Charlie shows us his phone with a video of Ghostface killing someone. "It's gonna be a worldwide sensation. I mean, people gotta see this shit. It's not like anyone reads anymore." Charlie turns off his phone and drops his arm. "We're gonna know fame like you never even dreamed of."

"Last two teenagers standing," Charlie says. "This time Randy gets the girl." He walks over to Jill, and they both kiss each other.

I roll my eyes after they pull apart. "Randy would be rolling right now," I say to Charlie.

He ignores me and keeps his eyes on Jill. "You were amazing. You're the perfect victim."

"I was so believable today, wasn't I?" Jill asks, laughing. "I mean, I told so many lies that I actually started to believe them. I really think I was born for this."

"How could you do this?"

Jill gives Sid a 'seriously?' look. "Do you know what it was like growing up in this family?" Jill asks Sid. "Related to you? I mean, all I ever heard was Sidney this and Sidney that and Sidney, Sidney, Sidney. You were always just so fucking special! Well now I'm the special one."

"You'll slip," I say.

"They always do," Sid adds.

Jill scoffs. "Come on, Charlie. Let's get on with this." They walk to the side, and Charlie gives Jill the knife while she points the gun at us. "You have to be strong. And hold still. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Old-school, like Billy and Stu," Charlie says, bouncing on his feet. I get another wave of déjà vu. "Come on, baby, get it up." He slaps his cheek. "Come on! Shoulder me! Shoulder me! Shoulder me! Get it up!"

"Stu would be proud," I mutter.

Jill lunges the knife forward and into Charlie's chest. She yanks it out, and Charlie grabs his chest.

"The heart," he says, grabbing Jill's shoulder with his other hand. "That's not the way we rehearsed it," he cries.

"You said it, Charlie," Sid says. "Billy and Stu, Trevor and you."

"What the media really loves, baby," Jill says to Charlie, "is a sole survivor. Just ask you-know-who." Voldemort? "Trevor was your partner. But you, you were the idea man." She stabs him again in the stomach.

He gasps and falls to his knees, then onto his back.

"Even your friends," Sid says.

Jill puts the gun in the waistband of her jeans. "My friends?" she asks. "What world are you living in? I don't need friends. I need fans. Don't you get it? This has never been about killing you. It's about becoming you. I mean, for fuck's sake, my own mother had to die, no great lose there, so I could stay true to the original. That's sick, right? Well, sick is the new sane. You two had your fifteen minutes, now I want mine! I mean, what am I supposed to do? Go to college? Grad school? Work? Look around. We live in public now. We're all on the internet. How do you think people become famous anymore? You don't have to achieve anything. You just gotta have fucked-up shit happen to you. So, you both have to die. Those are the rules. New movie, new franchise. There's only room for one lead, and let's face it, your ingenue days, they're over."

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I ask.

She turns to me and scrunches her face up before stabbing my in the stomach just like Charlie did. I grunt and cough as she stabs Sid in the same spot.

Jill laughs. "Don't tell me you didn't know this day would come."

Sid falls to the floor, and I try my best to stay upright, but I end up falling down next to her. I squeeze her hand quickly before trying to crawl a little ways away.

Jill laughs and kicks me in the stomach. I groan. "Fuck you!" She kicks me again, and I grunt and cough out blood onto the ground before closing my eyes.

I fall in and out of consciousness, randomly hearing grunting and muffled screams and things breaking. When I wake up again, I don't hear anything besides very distant police sirens.

Then I feel someone's arms wrap around me.

I fall back into unconsciousness.

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