„Oh I'm sure if you don't tell him, he'll eventually confess his feelings. Sofia, the way he behaves, he must be in love with you! Otherwise his behavior and also what he says wouldn't make sense at all! You know, as far as you told me, he only said he wouldn't kiss someone who isn't important to him and he doesn't want friends with benefits and isn't ready for a relationship.

So if he shows you this kind of affection, it means he likes you a lot and he has probably fallen for you. But that is no contradiction to his other words. He can love you without being ready for a relationship, that's not connected. So what if he loves you and his heart wants a relationship with you but he isn't ready for that since he's still broken because of his ex girlfriend?", Sofia wondered.

„Are you sure you're not analyzing too much and interpreting too much in his words and behavior?", I asked skeptically. Of course, it would mean a lot to me if he actually felt the same for me as I felt for him and simply wasn't ready for a relationship because that would mean time could be everything I had to give him and eventually we could be happy together but I had my doubts in her words. Why should he do that? Why should he feel that way and then kiss me, knowing that he wasn't ready for anything more than friends. Why would he give me hope if he knew he couldn't make my wish come true soon? I didn't understand that and therefore I couldn't believe in her words.

„Maybe I am, but it could be true, couldn't it? Don't worry too much about, I'm sure he wouldn't intentionally hurt you and eventually, everything will be fine! And now, we should hurry up tidying everything in order to finish as early as possible. The earlier we're done, the more time you two have to talk and maybe also video chat. So, help your old friend with your suitcase!", she commanded and made me giggle. „You're a year younger than me!", I protested laughing. „Yeah but I feel older and also, people always think I'm your older sister so don't tell me, I'm not allowed to call myself your old friend!", she explained, not allowing any objection. „Fine, boss..", I shook my head and while still giggling calmly, I started helping her with my stuff.

About three hours later, Anna and I had finished reorganizing my stuff and had also eaten something we had ordered. A few minutes ago, Anna has said goodbye to me and went home to give me as much as time as possible to call Niko. Since the day was quite exhausting because of the long train ride and tidying and cleaning up my apartment, I was very tired by now and decided to lay down on my sofa to call Niko, who had already texted me that he had time now.

Yawning, I pressed the button with the little camera icon next to his name. The familiar ringing tone sounded a few times until Niko answered the call and he appeared on my screen. He looked tired but happy, a smile graced his face. Apparently, Niko was sitting in the kitchen because in the background, I could see his oven. „Hey you!", I said grinning as I saw him. „Hey my dear", Niko answered and smiled at me. „How was your day?", he asked genuinely interested in it.

„Well, quite exhausting as you can probably imagine. But I actually met Anna, my friend from university who I had an argument with, and she apologized. At home, she even helped me to unpack my stuff and everything was just like before, maybe even better. So I'm in a kinda good mood right now. And seeing you, even if only virtually, makes my mood increase as well", I told him about my day. „And what about you? Exhausting day at the studio?"

„Yeah, exactly. We worked on our new song and added the final touches. It was really exhausting because Joel hasn't been happy for quite while – you know, he's a perfectionist – but in the end, finally everyone was happy with how it had turned out. Actually, I've just come home so I'll still have to eat something. That's why I'm sitting in the kitchen and not laying in my comfy bed", he laughed quietly.

Since I haven't heard their new song, I asked Niko to tell me a lot about it, but unfortunately, he wanted it to be a surprise for me when I'd first listen to it so he only told me more details about the way of producing it. Even though, I was really interested in that, I became even more tired while listening to his soft voice and started yawning more regularly. Slowly but surely I drifted away, I didn't even hear his „Good night, Sofia. Sleep well" anymore.

Suddenly I heard someone yelling „Fuck!" and opened my eyes. Who was that? What happened?, I wondered until I noticed my phone laying next to me on my bed. The screen was turned on, I could see Niko who apparently turned his phone around since the angle from which I could see him changed quickly. Then I could see his eyes looking at me or rather his front camera. „Sofia! I'm sorry, did I wake you?", he asked concerned. „Hmmm?", I mumbled confused. Why was I in a call with him and had my eyes closed? Had I been sleeping? And how late was it? I had so many questions but no answers. Well, not yet.

As if Niko had read my thoughts, he answered to my questions. „We were calling in the evening but apparently you were really tired because you yawned quite often and eventually fell asleep when I told you about our new song Balboa. You were so cute when you slept that I didn't want to end our call at first. And to be honest, I fell asleep soon as well. That's why I didn't hang up the whole night. I woke up half an hour ago and now I didn't want to end the call, I thought there was nothing better than talking to you after waking up. But now I wanted to check if you were awake but I dropped my phone. I hope I didn't wake you up with my not so quiet cursing..", he looked at me apologizing.

„You did.. But that's no problem, I guess I slept long enough", I smiled at him genuinely. I still wasn't fully awake which made it hard to process all the information he had given me some seconds ago. We had both slept in while calling? But I did before him and he liked watching me sleep? He thought I was cute at night? Did I understand that correctly? I had no idea but that didn't really matter to me in that moment. I wanted to focus on talking to him as long as I could before my university would start again.

I guess I should stop saying I'll try to upload more frequently, in the end I won't manage to do that anyway. But at least it took me only one and a half week this time. I hope you like the new chapter! What do you think about Anna? Do you think she'll now become an even better friend to Sofia? And what do you think, will Niko and Sofia stay in touch when she won't have a lot of time for him anymore? What do you think will happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Oh, and thanks to all of you who still read my story even though I update very irregularly! Special thanks to MyVictim and IamLizziet who keep me motivated and always manage to make me smile with their stories! <3

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant