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We were at the hospital to get Billy's arm looked at and bandaged. Me, Stu, Hallie, and Mickey all waited in the waiting area. Mickey had just gotten done with the investigator, who was asking questions. "Hallie, I'll be with you in a few minutes, okay?" The investigator said. "Uh, no problem," she told him. Stu sat beside me with his arm behind my back on the back on the seats. "Who could this be?" I asked low enough so that Hallie and Mickey couldn't hear. "I don't know. But this supposed to be mine and Billy's sequel. Whoever it is, is going to die once we figure out who it is," Stu said. I rolled my eyes at him. "The hell is wrong with you? We wouldn't be in this mess if you weren't so easily manipulated," I groaned. "Hey, you killed Sidney and her dad. You have just as much to do with this than we do," he whispered. 

"I wouldn't have had to do anything if you two idiots wouldn't have gone all psycho on the town," I said. We stopped talking when Mickey came to sit beside me. He put his hand on my knee as he sat down. "How you doing? You all right?" He asked. I looked down at his hand and he took it away then sat back. "Not at all," I said. It was silent for a few minutes before I spoke up again. "You know, I was told this was coming. I couldn't have a normal senior year of high school, why should I have a normal college life?" I said. "I knew this wasn't over." 

"You are not alone y/n. You have me and Randy," he said. Stu clear his throat rather loud. "She has me, her brother and Billy, her boyfriend, if you've forgotten," he said. "Billy could have been killed you know?" I said. As I said it, it felt wrong to say. Billy was the one killing people back home with the help of my own brother while they dressed up as ghostface. Now the tables have turned and someone is copycatting them. "I know it's crazy. But he wasn't. He's fine.  He just needs to realize the 90's is no time to play hero. Why would anyone go back in that house, anyway?" Mickey said. I looked over at him and looked him in the eye. Just the way he looked at me and the sound of his voice when he said that talked me off. I narrowed my eyes at him and I tilted my head. 

He had the slightest smirk, you would even notice it if you weren't up close or looking for it. My mind was racing with questions. Did he know who it was? Was it him? Does he know what really happened back in Woodsboro? The guy was a little strange and was taking film, but so was Randy. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Billy walked up to us. "You ready to go home, baby?" He asked. I looked at Mickey one more time before I stood up. "Yeah. How's your arm?" I asked. "It'll be fine. Just have to take it easy," he said. Stu stood up from his seat. "You coming back to our dorm?" He asked. I nodded my head and said, "Yeah. I just have to let Hallie know." 

It was around three in the morning the time we got back to the dorm. The boy's dorm was similar to mine. Stu had one half and Billy had the other. Stu immediately crashes face first on his bed and falls asleep. I rolled my eyes and took his boots off for him. What a great sister I am, I thought. Billy pulled out one of his shirts to change into and then we went to bed. I was laying on my back and Billy was laying between my legs with his head on my stomach. I just laid there not being able to sleep. I ran my hands through Billy's hair as I thought about the killings. There have been three victims so far.

- Maureen Evens 

- Phil Stevens

- Cici Cooper (*Casey*) 

The sun was shining in through the window. The clock on the nightstand beside the bed read 9 a.m. we would soon have to get up for classes. "Oh, my god!" I gasped. I squirmed my way out from under Billy making him groan. I walked over to the desk in the corner and grabbed a pen and paper. I wrote the names down and underlined three names. Maureen, Steven, and Casey. "Holy shit! This fucker is trying to great the Woodsboro Massacre!" I said out loud. I ducked as a pillow came flying at my head. "Shut up!" Stu whined. "You two need to get the fuck up right now!" I yelled. "No," the both groaned. I picked the pillow up and walked over to Stu first and smacked him with the pillow full force and then did the same to Billy, who just wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me down onto the bed. "Go back to sleep," he groaned. 

"No! This asshole is trying to recreate your guy's work! You're telling me that doesn't piss you off?" I asked, annoyed. "What're you talking about?" He said. "The victims. Maureen Evens, Phil Stevens, and CiCi Cooper as in Casey.  Don't you see it? Casey, Steve, and Maureen! Billy looked up at me with a shocked look turning into a hard glare. "Yeah," I said. He got off the bed and walked over, slapping Stu on the back of the head. "Get up!" He said. "Ow! Come on, man. I'm tired," Stu whined. "Get the fuck up!" Billy growled. 

Today was going to be a long day. I put my jeans back on and just tucked Billy's shirt into them. When we walked outside two men on suits were there waiting. "Miss. Macher?" They asked. "Yes," I answered. "We've been assigned to watch over you," one of them said. "Why?" I asked. "Due to last night's events," the other said.  "Great," I mumbled. And that's what they did, they followed me everywhere. They followed me to my classes and stood outside the classroom, then followed me to go meet Billy and Stu. Literally everywhere. "Those guys going to follow you all day?" Billy asked. "Yup. Probably until this copycat of yours is caught," I told him. "What if we catch him first? Can we kill him?" Stu asked. "Only if there isn't any other choice. We don't need things being led back to us," I told them both. 

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