lay out

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In this story, I will be writing the life of the average black woman and what they have to go through everyday.  Specifically what the character I made, goes through.

As I said in the description, I encourage Non black women to read this, Im Writing this because I believe that it will help people (Especially non black people) Further understand The kinda things that happen to black women.

This story will not be long, Yes I am writing an entire life but I am going to put 10 years in each chapter except the birth and up chapters, The story will start start at age 5. Each year, Will hold a different important moment.

This is gonna update by the year, I will post two years every week or so and they will be on the same chapter. If the story says updated then that basically that means I added a new year. On the same chapter.

The woman I'm writing, WILL be apart of the lgbt community. I will not specify the sexuality, that's up to you, but she will be interested in both men and women. If you are straight, treat this as a chance to learn about those apart of the lgbt community as well.

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