{Chapter Ten}

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{Chapter Ten}

"A Shot Heard Around The World"

{Chicago PD: S4 Ep8}

[Elena's POV]

Following the shooting, the team regrouped back at the district while the majority of patrol remained on the scene to lock down the surrounding blocks in hopes of getting eyes on the suspect, but so far there was no sign of the person that we were looking for and no evidence had yet been found and the likelihood of anything being left behind was close to zero. A small group of officers remained at the hospital, protecting the victim's families while also awaiting news on the patrol officer who had been shot but the news they received was not joyous, it was the opposite, she wasn't able to survive what happened to her, she was dead before she hit the ground and because of it another patrol officer was dead and another family was grieving.

After cleaning up in the locker room and safely storing away their gear, the team gathered in the bullpen but I decided to stay behind in the locker room, my phone sat on the bench behind me, keystrokes echoing out of the speaking as Garcia searched for anything that could help with the case, "So there wasn't a single trace of anything left behind?" Garcia asked, her voice quiet and distracted, her focus clearly on whatever was flickering across her screens.

"Nothing besides a shell casing that's been sent to an FBI crime lab so the results get back to us faster, there wasn't anything at the first scene and there won't be this time, the best chance we have is using the profile, but even that's just a few scraps of potential truths," I answered, my shaken confidence returning to me as I ditched my blood-stained shirt for a clean one.

As Garcia mumbled words that could not be understood, my attention turned to the profile that I was trying to piece together like a puzzle, but this puzzle was harder to put together than the others either that or my puzzle-solving game wasn't on point at the moment because, despite two patrol officers being killed, I still didn't have a proper profile, I barely had a structure for one, let alone something we could use to catch this killer before he struck again and if another officer died, the guilt that would follow, would eat me alive.

"Well, gimme what you have so far and I'll try and narrow down your list of baddies and in about an hour, you'll have the other half of tech support to help you out," Garcia spoke, her voice becoming even softer as she spoke of Mouse. My foul mood instantly lightened and the strain line my lips had formed twitched upwards into a gentle smile because I knew Mouse and Garcia weren't yet ready to admit it but something was going on between them, something good and I couldn't be happier for either of them and I wasn't going to stop it, no one was, not even Morgan and his over-protective nature towards his baby girl. 

I picked the case file up from the bench and bloody images began staring up at me the second I opened the manilla folder, "Physically fit male, most likely in their mid to late twenties, he has training in either law enforcement or the military and a grudge against CPD something that may have an upcoming anniversary or one that's just past,"

"Fit unstable man with a grudge against CPD, on it,"

"And if you can, check local stores that sell frequency jammers and see if this guy paid in a way that means we can trace it, it's a long shot but maybe he slipped up,"

"I will run every store that sells something even remotely similar to a jammer in the state of Illinois and I will cross-check it against the list of suspects I'm currently compiling," Garcia said quickly, confidence washing over her,  "And don't worry, you'll get this guy, you always do,"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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