{Chapter Six}

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{Chapter Six}

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{Chapter Six}

"Made A Wrong Turn Part 2"

{Chicago PD: S4 Ep2}

[Elena's POV]

The clattering of a train passing over rusty, worn down tracks, overpowered the wailing of police sirens, overwhelming the police dogs attempting to track down the missing girl we were still attempting to locate. Sarah Murphy was still missing, even after Mouse tracked her fitness watch to the rail yard we were located at, she was gone, her watch left behind with clumps of hair torn from her scalp scattered along the ground, her blood staining the beaten down and dirty mattress laid within the abandoned rail car the dogs last traced her scent too.

While the sniffer dogs attempt to find any last trace of the missing girl, so far coming up empty, patrol continued interviewing people in the neighborhood, looking for anyone who had seen anything, the team was running out of leads, not that we had any real leads, to begin with.

The odds of finding a fresh lead were becoming slimmer by the hours, as were the odds of finding Sarah alive. That was until Hank managed to 'persuade' a homeless man attempting to shelter away from the burning sun to cough up information he was trying to withhold in order to extort more money out of the patrol officers that he was initially talking to.

Antonio gathered the team into the shade, much to everyone's relief, and explained what he and Hank had learned from the homeless man, "Okay, the witness describes a lone offender, male, black, 6 foot four or taller, he was driving a black van, he parked near the entrance of the rail tunnel, dragged Sarah inside and assaulted her for approximately thirty minutes," Antonio explained, "Afterwards he put her back into the van and then drove off,"

As he wiped away a bead of sweat that had formed over his forehead, Hank looked over to Adam, and Kevin both of whom were finishing off bottles of lukewarm water, "All right, start running the names of sex offenders that fit that description," He ordered the duo, they nodded in understanding before turning away and heading to their car.

"He could've assaulted her in the van with no witnesses, so why did he pull her into the railyard?" Erin questioned, her brows furrowed in confusion at the suspect's actions.

"Based on what we know so far, Sarah must have been a victim of opportunity meaning the suspect didn't intend on kidnapping her because if he did then it wouldn't have been out in the open, he most likely saw Sarah in her car, so he kidnapped her, he then brings her to the first secluded area he could find and drags her into the rail car, assaults her, then when he's done he realizes he can keep the party going so he puts her back in the van and takes off," I answered, my inner profiler once again coming to the surface, "When we find him he'll be somewhere he can keeping assaulting her without anyone walking in on him or hearing him, somewhere most likely entirely abandoned..."

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