Chapter 102 - The curtain falls

Start from the beginning

"Ah!" That burned! Ah it hurts so much! I coughed and tried to catch my breath."M-master, that hurt.." I coughed again and started to push myself up. "I don't think I like this trick.."

"Go away." He replied.

He poked the end of the white stick and started smoking again.

"But master I can't! Everyone's saying all sorts of mean things about you! It's not right! I need you to come with me!"

He leaned back again and stared up at the tree.

"Like I care what they think." He mumbled and let smoke float out from between each word.

"But it's not right! They're saying you attacked Stryder! And that you killed Jack!" I yelled and stomped my foot. "They're lying and I don't know why!"

"It's because they're not lying kid." He replied and smoked the stick down harder. Letting the ashes from it rain down on top of him.

"What!? Why would this a grand trick!?" I smiled excitedly and ran over to him. "Can you tell me about it!"

He threw the white stick aside and let out a huge amount of smoke in my face. I coughed and hacked. It smelled terrible. He held out his hand toward me, and slowly stood up.

"Ya know, you were always really annoying." He said with a sigh.

My whole body trembled and the warmth within me started to fade. No, no he doesn't mean that. It's just a part of the trick!

"Good one Master! This trick of yours must be ama-"

"Just shut up already!" He yelled and punched me in the face.

My world started to spin and I fell flat on my face. There was a burning sensation against my cheek and something salty in my mouth. I slowly pushed myself up and tried to focus. But everything just kept spinning.

"Master, I don't like this trick..." I panted.

Then I was met with a sharp kick to the stomach and rolled against the ground. Which finally stopped when I slammed into a tree.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I'm not your Master, you magic freak! Now get lost!" He roared.

I slowly pushed myself up, and looked back at Master Zack. Who met my gaze with a firery glare.

"But Master I-"

"I hate you! Just get out! Or else I'll have to kill you like I killed Frosty!" He snapped.

A cold shiver ran down my spine, and I slowly stood up.

"N-no, you didn' couldn't have."

He held out his hands toward me and green blasts erupted from his palm. Waves of fire were sent my way, but I couldn't move. I just remembered the day he hugged me, the day he told me it was okay to not smile. The first person I shared my secret with. The only one who's never seen me not smile.

The flames got close and all I saw was a wave of green flashing in my eyes. Then, I was saved. A purple sword that appeared out of nowhere landed in front of me. Then more purple blades dropped from the sky and landed all around us. Chains appeared at the ends of the blades and wrapped around Zack's body. The blades attached to Master Zack started to sink into the ground, and pulled him down until he was on his knees.

Suddenly the ground shook beneath our feet and skeleton hands erupted from it! They all immediately grabbed Master Zack and kept him still.

"You are not allowed to kill this one..." The Queen's voice echoed from the woods.

"LIKE I GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK!" Zack roared and struggled in the hold.

While the skeleton's fingers just dug into his body more, leaving a crimson trail to run down his body.

"Wait! Stop!" I demanded.

This Magica was intense! What was I supposed to do!? The master...

'Go away'

'You were always so annoying.'

I looked down to the ground and bit my lip. Tears started to run down and I couldn't smile anymore. Right, Master hates me...

"What would you like to do my precious child?"

I sniffled.

"I wanna go home.." I mumbled.

"As you wish." She whispered.

I rubbed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I was in Stryders living room. Lux jumped and dropped her dust pan.

"Woah! Wiz!? How did you-!?" She paused and tilted her head. "Wiz what's wrong?"

"He didn't lie!" I cried. "Master hates me!"

She blinked a few times and ran over to me. Without a word she pulled me into her arms and hugged me. No! I don't wanna cry anymore! I want to smile! Yet I couldn't help it. Once I felt her arms wrap around me, I couldn't help but start crying all over again.

"I'm sorry! I can't smile! I'm sorry I wasn't enough to make Master okay! Please don't leave me! I'll be good! I'll be better at Magica! Please! Please!" I begged and clung to her.

Please don't leave, please don't leave...

"Shhhh, shhhh, It's okay Wiz, it's okay." She whispered and ran her fingers through my hair.

"I was wrong! And I was a meanie to Leo! And I called Stryder a Liar!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sure they're not mad at you." She promised.

"They're gonna leave me! I know it!"

"Stop that, no one's going to leave you okay?" She whispered and held me tightly. "We're all hurt..."

I opened my mouth, but I couldn't even get words out. How does she know!? How could she!? Everyone always leaves...

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