Initial conversation or separation?

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Sitting there dumbstruck, Evelyn didn't expect it to happen like that .As in however it was a "Hi, I am Elijah" from that unsaved number. Well, to show her apathetic side Evelyn asked Elijah from where did he get her number in a not so rude manner, but still a little bit of rudeness never hurts.  They had a short conversation then but Evelyn had her austerity at peak and that also externally but she had a soft corner for Elijah since the day she saw him, it was maybe a "love but no love at first sight" for Evelyn towards Elijah. But Elijah casually texted Evelyn as she was the one who made him misunderstand her pure intentions. She just asked Dylan his name but it was misconstrued by Elijah. He thought that Evelyn must be interested in him and Evelyn was initially but as days passed she started losing interest in him as there personalities didn't match. Gradually Evelyn started considering him as her big brother just as Dylan. On the other hand Dylan and Savanna's blooming relationship was going on well.  After talking for almost few months both of them finally stopped wishing each other a good night and Evelyn had to block Elijah for some certain reasons which she was unable to explain to Elijah. Evelyn's life also went through certain ups and downs in the time being. Evelyn belonged to a very conservative family and her family didn't allow her to talk to random boys or girls and just at it she stopped speaking with Elijah also Dylan. Dylan considered Evelyn as his small sister but this happenstance made him upset at the same time however Elijah was unbothered of the fact that Evelyn wouldn't speak to him. Just as this days passed, months passed and a year passed too. Plenteous amount of things also took place in a year. On a sad note, Savanna and Dylan were not together anymore, Dylan asked for Evelyn's help but by whichever means Savanna was more important to Evelyn so she declined to help Dylan for which afterwards she felt bad. However ,for Evelyn her friends' happiness comes above all and when it was Dylan's mistake, she had poor possibility to help out Dylan that instance. Evelyn felt bad for specifically two reasons! One was because Dylan cheated which she could've never imagined and another one was from then on no one would make her aware of Elijah's good or bad conditions as Dylan was the only pathway and now he was getting off. Nevertheless Evelyn was happy for Savanna as she was finally getting out of that toxic relationship and she knew it would benefit her obviously. Afterwards Dylan tried a lot to rectify himself but it was almost impossible to cover up for what he has done with Savanna so Evelyn also cut off all kinds of communications with Dylan. Their story ended in a very sad way but was beneficial for both of them, maybe this would sound very rude but it served Dylan right. Exactly after a year, everyone including Elijah knew that a new love story was blooming except for Evelyn and maybe for that good reason everyone is so sick of Evelyn's stupidity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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