
" Just be yourself . Trust me. There is nothing  more amazing than that.  Okay? Moreover you are not awkward around anyone Anaisha ,its all in your head" 

And I will help you get rid of it ,I promised myself.

She just hummed at that.

" By the way , I do have a warning to give you though. Its just that my cousins can go a little crazy sometimes and you may want to go into hiding but why fear when I'm here . " I said playfully .

She let out a little giggle at that and a warm feeling made its way to my heart.

"Anaisha , I'm sorry about misunderstanding your words earlier . I don't know what I was thinking."

"Its alright Samaksh , I should have probably communicated better. Nevertheless , a new lesson learnt today ."

" Well , that's true for the both of us and its progress too . We are going to get better at this with each day Anaisha , I promise . "

" I promise too. " she softly added .

" Anaisha , I wanted ..."

" Samaksh is that Anaisha on the other side " bhabhi asked making her way to me .

" Yes , bhabhi . Did you need something? "

" Well, yes but not from you . Could I just talk to Anaisha for a moment please ?"

" Of course , here  " I said and handed her the phone. 

" Hi Anaisha ,  I'm extremely sorry for disturbing your romantic talks but this was extremely important and I had to ask you " she spoke into the phone while smirking at me . 

I just rolled my eyes at her .

" Could you afford to come a little early that day so you could help me with the dress and other stuff? Mumma will be busy with preparations and Mahi and Sejal can't make it in the morning so I literally have no one to help."

I didn't know what Anaisha would say but when I saw Bhabhi's smile growing wider , I knew she had replied positively . I was happy that their bond had grown so much in such a short span of time .

"Thank you so much Anaisha , I'm so relieved .Did you have dinner?"

"Yes I did , was just going to the kitchen to get some water when I saw your dear fiance loitering around in the garden with a smile on his face and I instantly knew who he was talking to . Since he was already here on the phone with you, I didn't bother to call you individually." she teased.

I stood there pretending I did not hear whatever she said .

"Okay then bye Anaisha , goodnight "

With that she handed the phone back to me and walked away wishing me as well

"Hi there " I said


"So I'm assuming you are on a leave on Saturday since you agreed to come early that day?" 

" Yes, the final presentation for our project is tomorrow and then I'm not taking up any until after our engagement so I decided I would atleast spend my leaves since there are just three to four weeks for the year to end ."

" Hmm so ..... wait your presentation is tomorrow and you're still awake. Anaisha" I groan.  

"What ?"she questions

"Have you seen the time its half past 12 "

"I just ... Its just that it was so long since we even had a proper conversation with each other ."she whispered .

Stupid man ! Didn't even realise such a simple thing. I was glad that she had expressed herself and was truly putting  efforts into our relationship like she had promised .

" I know Anaisha , I'm sorry about how I reacted . I just want you to be well rested before such an important day right ? "

She just hummed at that .

"By the way, I'm glad to know that you like spending time with me " I teased her hoping to get a reaction from her .

" And that's my cue to go sleep ,  bye Samaksh . I'll see you the day after "

" Bye Anaisha , don't worry I'll make sure we spend a lot of time together the day after , yeah" I said trying to keep my voice as deep as possible .

She huffed " Goodnight Samaksh"

"Goodnight Anaisha " I said in a sing -a-song voice .

Chuckling at myself , I made my way to my bedroom and threw myself on the bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep I picked up my phone and texted Anaisha , wishing her the best for tomorrow.

 Just as I was about to fall asleep I picked up my phone and texted Anaisha , wishing her the best for tomorrow

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