C8: The Call

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Chapter8-The Call

I was more nervous calling Jason than I was answering Ava's questions. Maybe it was because I knew Jason would be mad at me or that he'd say awful things about me. Or maybe it was because I was doing something completely insane with lots of negative outcomes.

I wasn't sure.


My breath caught in my throat. That wasn't Jason's voice. It was a girl's. “Who... Who is this?”

The sound of bubble gum snapping came through the phone. “Macy.”

“Is Jason there?” I wasn't sure why I was still on the phone. Wasn't it clear enough that he'd moved on?

“Babe? There's some girl on the phone asking for you.” She yelled, her voice slightly muted.

I immediately hung up, feeling stupid for thinking that he'd wait for me. Three months was a long time without someone. Jason apparently couldn't handle the time without me so he filled my place... with someone else.

Tears filled my eyes and I wanted to throw the phone. But it was Ava's and I couldn't do that to her. I slid to the floor and hid my face in my hands.

Jason was cheating on me. He was cheating on me. How could he? He told me he loved me? All the time he told me he loved me. So why go behind my back to be with another girl?

But that's exactly what I was doing with Ava, wasn't it?

No. No. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I was about to apologize for it when I called. I wasn't the one at fault. He was. And her.

“Lydia, is everything alright?”

I didn't even have to say anything for Ava to know something was wrong. It was like she could sense my feelings like a scent in the air.

She sat down beside me and pulled my hands from my face. “Hey, what happened? What'd he say?”

“I hung up before I could talk to him. Some girl answered.”

“You don't think-”

“He's cheating on me.” I said, my voice cracking. I pressed my forehead to her shoulder and started crying all over again.

She let me cry for a long time, not saying anything. Maybe she'd been through the same thing before.

Once it got dark out, around nine, she pulled her phone out and started texting someone. My eyes were too blurry with tears to see who it was.

“Come into my room with me.” She said, brushing my hair away from my face.

I groaned.

She laughed and helped me to my feet. “Come on. You can lay down on my bed if you want.”

I followed her, but only because the hope of sleep was near. I wanted to escape my problems, to forget that they existed for a while.

“I have some clothes you can wear if you don't wanna sleep in that.” Remembering that I got wet from the rain earlier, I nodded. She walked to her dresser and pulled out a blue shirt and black shorts and tossed them to me. “If you don't feel comfortable changing in front of me, the bathroom's to the right as you leave my room.”

I didn't mind changing in front of her since I figured she wouldn't blatantly stare at me while I did it but I wanted to wipe my eyes so I left the room. I closed the bathroom door and stared at myself in the mirror that covered the entire back of the door. My face was red and my eyes were swollen. Tears covered my cheeks and there was snot running from my nose. Grimacing, I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned myself up. I hated looking messy. It made me too vulnerable.

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