C6: Pharmacy

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"Put it back, then." I said, sighing. "But don't get mad if I call you in the middle of the night because I'm withdrawing so bad."

"That's what friends are for." She put the drugs back on the shelf then lead me towards the candy, which had a whole aisle to itself.

"So this town has nothing but good milkshakes and a huge variety of candy. I'm confused."

Ava laughed and grabbed a chocolate bar with nuts in it. "I know, we're weird."

"It's genius." I mumbled. I grabbed a pack of gum and followed Ava to the front counter.

Ida was short, about five feet tall, with curly white hair. She had on a red shirt with red earrings to match and her lipstick was red as well. She eyed me as Ava and I approached the counter.

"Hi, Ida." Ava said, smiling at her.

Ida watched me for another second before she looked over at Ava and smiled at her. "Hi, darling. A friend of yours?"

Ava nodded. "Yeah. She just moved here."

Ida nodded but didn't say anything more. She started ringing up the items then put them into a brown paper bag.

"I got it." Ava said, handing over a five dollar bill.

I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm feeling generous." She said, smiling at me.

I laughed.

"Thanks, Ida." Ava said, taking the bag. We walked out and towards her car, just as the rain started back up again.

"Does it rain like this all the time?" I asked, closing the door on the rain.

Ava laughed and started the car. "Pretty much. It should be dying off soon, since summer is coming."

"Thank goodness. I couldn't stand a summer inside."

She glanced over at me. "What do you do in the summer?"

"Besides things you wouldn't approve of? I stay with my boyfriend a lot since my mom and I don't get along much."

"What's your boyfriend like?"

"You wouldn't like him." I said immediately, then blushed. I cleared my throat and tried again. "He's... a drug dealer."

"How long have you two been together?" She asked, stopping at one of the stop signs.

"A year or so. Something like that."

"Is he nice?"

"To me, he is. We spend a lot of time together so we're used to each other."

"I dated a guy once. I'll have it stated on my grave that it was one time and one time only. He was so self-centered and arrogant it was like he was dating himself. Thankfully that was about the time I realized I only liked girls. Staying with him would've been torture."

"Was he at least nice to you?"

"When he acknowledged that I was there, he was. After a while, I stopped trying with him. I figured that if he wanted to be with me, he'd put forth some effort."

"That had to suck."

She laughed. "You have no idea."

"Now I feel bad."

"Everyone has to have that one bad relationship."

I'd only ever been with Jason so it seemed weird that she would think that. I loved Jason and he loved me. I didn't plan on breaking up with him or ever breaking up with him. Maybe I wouldn't have that bad relationship.

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