Part 2/The adustment

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3 months later here I am a jr in High school and feeling good cause it's close to me graduating soon and I was beyond ready ! My aunt called me from
The kitchen asking me was I ready to get dropped off I was just starting to get adjusted but I was missing my grandmother dearly ! I miss the memories ! The laughs , and the fun times we had I knew it'll never be the same again and that was painful to know . As I get to school people noticed my attitude changed I played it cool as if nothing was wrong I really don't too much like everybody in my family business but me and my classmates was locked in so they knew the situation already. I loved that the most about my school we where all like a family instead of enemies . The day went by and it was time to leave my aunt was on the side waiting and I was speed walking to the car to leave as we leaving she asked me if I wanted to go see my grandma I responded "yes" of course! I was so happy but I hate to see her like that .As we pulled up in the yard a slow feeling went down my chest I missed home it was no place like it ! As I walk in , my grandma was in the house watching tv I missed her so much and you could tell she missed me the hug she gave was so big and the smile on her face broadened my day ! "I love youuuu" she said . "I loveeeee you too "I responded . Even though the situation was sad I had to remain tough ! I've always been a tough strong soilder it's no obstacle I can't overcome . My grandma knew that about me though she knew I was gone be one of the strongest she also knew I was gone be good she always said I don't have friends i have associates. She was right I never gave a care about fitting in The few friends I had was meant to have and I love them dearly til this day . The people that left never cared in the first place . And hey I'm nonchalant I've never cared at all . As I'm saying my goodbyes and heading out I noticed my picture on the floor I grabbed it and thought maybe I could add this in a frame . As we heading home we stopped and got something to eat my aunt loved going out to eat and I loved tagging along . One thing about me I'm going to eat ! And get money worth I didn't play with the food on my plate. It wasn't no need for a meet and greet I was getting down to business. We finished left and headed home cause it was getting late and I had school in the A.M . We got home and I ran to the bed I was so exhausted or maybe it was the food . The sleep I had was great ! And it was time for me to get up and get to school. On my way to school my aunt was talking to me about getting my drivers licenses I always knew how to drive but no one wants to drive illegal. Especially a young 17 year old in High School. So that day after school I asked her to take me to the get the drivers book . I didn't study it I had a app on my phone thinking If I just read some of these and most of them Common sense it's no way I wouldn't pass . I studied the questions on the app all night it was no way I wouldn't pass ! As I got up the next morning I didn't attend school on time cause I had to get up early for my test . I was nervous but I knew I had all the answers in my head anxious yes . Nervous no as we got in the building my heart started to race I had confidence I'll pass but deep down I should've read that book " i thought " as they called me to the back to get my paper work they soon let me pick a computer to sit at to start my test it was 25 questions . "Mhmm not soo many I got this" I said to myself as I was going through the questions some of them was common sense most of them I never seen before . You could only miss 5 , and I was on question 17 it don't tell you once you missed. once you miss 5 it's going to cut off . I had missed 5 and it shut me off I was sad but hey it's better luck next time and I'll for sure be ready even though I didn't pass that time I wasn't worried or mad about it I just knew what I had to do and that was read the book! We left the drivers place and was heading to school to drop me off I was only 10 minutes late . As I arrived to first period my classmates asked me how did everything go? I just told them I'll have to study this time so that's what I did I asked my teacher for a high lighter as I high lighted the words I thought that was most important they were ! I went through the whole book and read all the highlighted parts . I knew i was going to pass this time but of course I had to wait a week to re take it . This time I wasn't anxious I was prepared and I knew I was going to pass . The next week came by and here we are rolling back to the drivers place it was obligated for me to
Pass I was ready to finally be on the roads legal . We arrived at the place and I was the first one . As we walk in she says " you gone pass this time ! I smiled and nodded and took my seat at the same computer ! Every question I answered I knew because I read the book and that was a lesson learned to just read even if you don't want to , you can scan and high light and that's what i did I got on my last question and it said I passed I didn't miss any questions and I was so proud of myself ! Because I did it and I never doubted myself . My aunt was also proud and took
Me to eat to celebrate . I finally had my permit and the next part was the driving part but I knew that was going to be a piece of cake . I been driving since I was 12 or 13 i think it just came naturally .

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