Chapter 1

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Currently, you are a second-year student at Komine High School in the Miyagi Prefecture. The school is notorious for its academic programs. Your scores are average for the school, yet you like it that way. It gives you more freedom and less stress with school when you don't have high grades to keep up with. Even though your grades are overall average, your best class is literature as you enjoy a good book.

You are not a part of any clubs as you don't need the extra responsibility of going somewhere after school multiple times a week. You also don't have too much of an interest in your school's clubs as they are mostly academic. You already have to go to tutoring which isn't too bad, but more would definitely be unhealthy for you.

Today's school day was going to be a tough one, as you have Japanese Language, Mathematics and Science today. Even though not much of your second year has gone by, it feels as though there is so much to do. Guess that's why your school is known for being difficult. You're going to need all the luck you can get to tough out this one.

You were still in bed contemplating what new lectures you'd have to listen to this time. Waiting and stressing about it isn't going to get you anywhere so might as well get on with it. You put on your school uniform and had some breakfast. Your Mom bade you goodbye and handed you your bento.

While on your walk to school you notice your friend Hori Ine on her way to Komine as well. Hori Ine is one of the smartest at the school, which is saying a lot. She is the hard-working secretary of the student council and seems to have her life put together. You've been friends with her since you were 4. Your parents have been close friends with the Hori's since their college days. You and Hori have always stuck to each other like glue and have a strong friendship due to the amount of time you've spent together.

Once you spotted Ine ahead, you picked your pace to catch up. She slowed down as an invitation to walk with her. You are in class 2-B and she is in 2-A, the honor class. Sometimes you wish you studied more for the end of year exams in year one so you could stay in her class for year 2. However, you still spend a lot of time together even without being in the same class.

"Why aren't you walking to school with your boyfriend today? Did something happen?" You asked. You usually meet up with Ine and Minuke on the way to school, but you don't see Minuke today. Minuke and Ine have been together since winter break in year one. You still wonder how Ine's able to tackle both school and a relationship at once and excel in both.

Even with your best friend in a relationship, she always makes time for you, even if you do feel like a third wheel sometimes. "He's sick at home today, so it's just us for today!" Ine replied. 

"I swear it's like he always gets sick this time of year. Wait, shouldn't you be taking care of him or something?" You said with a grin. "He is your boyfriend after all."

"Do you really think I'm missing important classes to be stuck at another's home with someone who is sick? I mean I love him, but he would probably want me to be at school anyways. I don't want to deal with a grumpy patient." Ine skipped a rock on the sidewalk.

The both of you laughed at that. You miss being able to openly tease both Ine and Minuke. You all had been a trio during your first year, yet you could see the signs of the relationship blossoming between the two. It may have been a weird change seeing your closest friends being that close, but you got used to the new dynamic.

You said your quick goodbyes as you approached your homeroom classroom. 2-B, I see we meet again. You thought as you entered the classroom. It's not that you dislike your homeroom, it's just that the students sitting next to you always gossip.

You would be okay with it if it was good gossip, because then you would at least be learning about things happening at school, but no, they had to constantly babble about who likes who and who they think should be together. None of what they say is actually happening, it's just theories. And whenever they bring you into their conversations, they won't stop asking you who you like. 

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