Toxic love

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*love problems, issues, crying/ breakdowns, manipulating, confusion
I leave toms dorm and head to mine. "We'll look at the little slut who decided to show. What do you want Mattheo? You. Your kidding right. No, I want you. Well guess what? What? I don't want you. Why? I love you, I gave you great sex, great bound what more do you want? I don't want any of that! You were using me because of your fucking bold ass dad to get to know my family and see what's happening and then get jealous when I'm doing the same exact thing you are doing to other girls but yet I'm the bad guy right?! Right!" His face expression changed immediately. "How do you know about that? So you admit? How do you know about that?! None of your damn concern! I love you. No you don't. Yes I do I only did all this because of my dad. Doesn't make it right that you fucked another girl, then make out with someone, then make me feel awful. I know but I love you. No this right here is toxic love not love. You only love me because your daddy told you to. Don't talk about my father. And don't talk about me or my my family behind my back. Whatever you slut, I hope someone else enjoys the sex like I did." He said with a fuckin smirk on his face.

I start throwing shit all over my room once he leaves. How did this happen to me? This is toxic love, toxic love. I kept reminding myself. I fuckin hate this place. I wish I never came here. Gosh I hope he rots in hell. I grab a picture of us and burn it with my lighter and throw the picture out the window. I'm so stupid. I'm never getting back with his dumbass. He's a man whore. Why me? Fuck. I went to my mirror and broke it with my fist. I kept hitting it till I broke down crying. I crawled myself into my knees and then cried, cried, cried. Fuck him. I hope someone beats his ass up. Why did I sleep with his brother? I stand up to my broken mirror and wiped the tears away. I start laughing to myself like a maniac. I screamed with the song on beat. That felt great getting of my chest. "AAAAAAAH!" I hate myself. I throw myself to my bed and just cried till I couldn't. Knock, knock. "Y/n it's Elizabeth. Come in." She walks into my messy room and sit in the edge of my bed. "I know you were fuckin Mattheo and I know it's not your fault because he didn't tell you about me. Just know he's a fuckin bitch for leaving you. I don't really care for him, our parents want us to be together in marriage." I look at her with my big, red, puffy eyes. "You can date him if you like I don't want him. Just be careful if you do. I know that now Sherlock. Just trying to look at for you. Y/n he's kind of not worth your time specifically." She said before closing my room door on her way out. I'm just tired ima rest for a little.
Mattheo POV
I fucked up. Really, really bad. But maybe she's right, it is toxic love. I don't know I just wanna sleep till she's with me. "Hey Mat-. Don't talk to me Tom." He puts his head down and just goes back to his bed to sleep. I just wanna sleep to. Fuck it all I'm so done with my dads bullshit. We need to stop him from all of this. I hate mine and her "toxic love" but maybe if I sleep it'll fix everything, right? Who am I kidding I just wanna escape this. I thought before going to bed.

Enemies to lovers - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now