Part 13 : look

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The moment was good for the both of them, but Stella couldn't help but think she did something wrong. Although deep down in her heart she knew that's what she wanted to do.

"No need to say sorry it's ok" Kelly said then added "can i ask why you did it"

But she didn't know if she had an answer for him, she was a bit nervous and scared but the good kind.

"An impulse" that was the first thing that came out "i don't know Kelly maybe the moment, please pretend nothing happened ok?"

She got up and quickly went to her room, still with the stuffed animal in hands. She let herself go on her bed, she wasn't sure what pushed her to kiss him but the fact of the matter was that she did. And now she didn't know how she'd be able to look at Kelly.

She ended up falling asleep, and as Kelly went to check he covered her up so that she wouldn't be cold. He got to prepare some dinner and then he was on his way out. He needed some fresh air, so he decided to go to Molly's. Feeling Stella's lips on his felt so good to him, and now he just didn't want to go back. He loved her and he was hoping that by that kiss she meant that there was maybe a little hope for the both of them to be together.

He arrived at Molly's and got to the bar, thankfully Gabby was working tonight.

"What are you doing here and without Stella"

"I needed the time for myself" he told Gabby as he grabbed the beer she handed him.

"Something happened?" Gabby was a bit concerned. "Talk to me"

He let out a sigh, he didn't know himself how he was feeling right now. So he drank his beer and Gabby kept attending as many people as she could. And then went around the bar, tapped Kelly's back and dragged him outside.

"Are you going to tell me why your face is like that" She crossed her arms.

"It's Stella"

Gabby opened her eyes big in a way to make him understand to just spit it out already, she hated when he would take so long to say something. So she kept looking at him, waiting so that he would finally say what is happening with Stella.

"I guess she heard me when i confessed my love to her at the hospital, i mean i never thought she'd hear me but she did" he confessed "so i told her today when we were alone and to my surprise she kissed me"

So Gabby cut him off "she kissed you?" She asked a bit shocked.

"Yes she did, it wasn't me. So i guess i just kept that kiss going, and well I don't know maybe i did something wrong or I shouldn't have done that. She just almost ran out of the room"

"I am sure you didn't do anything wrong, and I can't talk for her but if she kissed you maybe she feels something for you. Did you ask her why she kissed you?"

"I did" he paused as he remembered what Stella had told him and he let out a sigh "she said it was an impulse and to pretend nothing happened"

"That's weird"

"I know, but what am i supposed to do now. This is what I didn't want, I don't want things to be weird between us. Because what if she did it because she felt obligated in a way"

"Take a breath, it's going to be ok"

"I hope you're right"

He was thoughtful and so he stayed outside for a minute with Gabby. The fresh air was allowing him to worry a bit less, he didn't lose Stella because of everything that had happened to her so he definitely didn't want to lose her for finally opening up.
Back at the apartment Stella was finally awake, and weirded not to find Kelly here. But as she approached the kitchen counter she found her dinner waiting for her, she smiled.

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