Part 9 : can i

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Kelly was surprised by Stella's question, and he was for sure stuck. He didn't know what to tell her, or what he should tell her.

And as she saw his face she knew maybe she had went a bit too far.

"I'm sorry" she started saying "I shouldn't have asked you that, I don't want to ruin anything. I consider you my friend and I don't want to damage that. Forget i even asked" she said and then put her seatbelt on.

She didn't want to maintain eye contact with him, all she wanted was for him to drop her off. And forget she had even thought of asking him. But what else could she have done, Kelly had been there with her ever since the beginning and he was the sweetest man she had ever met. Although she couldn't see herself in a relationship, she knew having a kid with his genes would make the best child ever. She knew she wanted to find some of what he is in that child, but she also knew that asking him was maybe too much.

She felt him grab her hand, he was the only one she was allowing to touch her without feeling creeped out. So she looked at him slowly.

"I don't want you to feel sorry for asking me, it's okay. So i guess everything is healthy, you're healthy and can have a baby whenever you please" he asked to be sure.

"Yes, she did all the tests necessary. And there's nothing wrong, so she said if i wanted to try and get pregnant it would be easy" she explained to him.

"And you've thought this one through you want to have a baby, you feel like you're ready right now? Even with this whole Grant thing going on"

"Look at this point, i have been so sacred of Grant and what he could do. And he did already so much to me, I don't want that. Therapy has been working very well for me and right now i feel like that's what i want. I want to show myself that i am worth being a mom" she looked at him.

He was looking back at her, trying to see from her eyes if she was really ready for this. He didn't know much about her state of mind, he knew though that therapy was definitely helping. And one other thing he knew was that Stella wanted this one thing more than anything, and it was to be a mother.

"My only question is are you sure, is your mind made up? That's what you want and is ready for?" He asked again.

"Yes, i am. I want my baby, i am free don't you see. Grant won't be able to hurt me or that child, plus i-" but she stopped "i want to finally be able to make my dream come true and hold a child i'll put into this world in my arms"

Her hand was still in his, and so she left a gentle kiss on it. His mind had already been made up ever since she had first asked, but he just needed to make sure and hearing her talking, he knew. The way he was feeling towards Stella was something he himself couldn't quite put a name on. But he was ready to risk it all, even if that meant helping her do something as big as being a mother.


"Yes what?" She didn't know if the yes came with something else so she had to ask.

"I accept, i'll gladly help you become the amazing mother that i know you'll be" he said with a smile.

She let out a little scream and gave him a hug "thank you" she whispered in his ears.

She was happy indeed, but she knew they'd have to sit longer than that and discuss everything thoroughly. He drove her home and escorted her to the door, but she held him back from leaving. Grabbed his arm, so he turned and looked at her.


"Could we talk tomorrow, shift is only the day after so"

"Of course, i'll be there"

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