Chapter Eaighteen

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Song of the Chapter
Egypt central white rabbit.
Enjoy Lovs!
Maddie's Pov.
I walk down the stairs the Indian tribe is also in Isle. The youngest Daughter of the chief name is Skye odd huh? Anyway the oldest daughter is Tiger Lily. I walked to there tribe Tiger Lily smiled at me and hugged me she said "how are you today?" I sighed and said "pretty good." Skye came walking up she asked "ready for you lesson today?" I smiled and nodded Skye's teaching me how to fight. Skye and i walked down the river she asked "if i may, who are your Parents?" I said "My mom is Wendy Darling and apparently My Dad is Tarzan." She smiled an said "that isn't shocking you look so much like your mother and you've picked up on fighting quickly like your father and you have incredible enstinks." She smiled at me and i said "thanks."
__after the lesson__
Skye smiled at me and said "you are doing amazing Maddie." I smiled she said "your cloths are looking a little rugged." I said "oh yeah i can fix that." I snapped my fingers and i had on a lime green top with jean shorts. With my same Dirty old High tops. She smiled and said "ok well i'm gonna go see you." I waved and said "bye." I diced to go for a walk i sighed i looked around. I really miss dancing i bit my lip and closed my eyes. I thought of a little studio i could practice dancing. I opened my eyes and a studio was there. I walked in and there was Mirrors on two sides of the walls and a Bar on the back. It had Speakers and everything with my iPod from home. With all of my music I closed my eyes and i was in my Leadard and my point shoes. I hit play i danced to Human by Christina Perri. Then the music stopped and i smiled. I breathed out and continued the next song played it was The Moment I Knew by Taylor Swift. I put my emotions into it how i felt when Pete left how i felt when he died. How i feel with out him. When the music stopped i fell. I took off my point shoes and i had blisters all over my toes and blood seeped out of my blisters I sighed and went my gym bag and got out my Gahs. I rapped up my toes then put on my socks. I changed back into my regular cloths. I walked out and went back to me and Sil's place. I went in and sat down and laid down on the couch. I fell asleep.
Pan's Pov.
I watched her fall asleep threw the viewing portal. She's beautiful and mine heat came below me. I bit my bottom Dammit i want her so damn bad right now. I thought she would walk out of the Isle by now. Her chest raising and falling every 5 seconds. I will have her one way or another.
Maddie's Pov.
I woke up the next day and Dagger was standing over me. I said "oh hey Dag." He looked at me with sad eyes i said "whats wrong?" He said "i was sent to take you back with me, if i don't i'll die." I said "what but he can't hurt you here." He said "Maybe not but the dreamshade still works over here." He showed me the huge Black Gash on his side. I asked "well what heels it?" He said "the water on top of Dead mans peak." I sighed and said "and thats where he's waiting huh?" He nodded i sighed and left Sil a note. Then walked with Dagger said "Pretend to be knocked out ok?" I nodded he picked me up over his shoulder. He carried me up the mountain. Then we were up there he laid me down on the gound. Pan chuckled "good job Dagger go and get the water." Then he bent down and touched my cheek. My eyes snapped open i sprang up punched him square in the jaw. His head jerked to the side from the impact then he chuckled and said "that actually tickled." I growled. "Shut up!"
"I wont be pushed aside i will be heard i will get what i want what i deserve!" I herd a group of people shouting and sure enough it was the fairies and the tribe. I shouted with them "I wont be pushed aside i will be heard i will get what i want what i deserve!"

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