Please Note

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Hello, it's Lis here! This is just a part where I explain a few things before we get to the actual drabbles. Please read this to avoid any confusion. Thank you.

1. I do have others, longer books in my WIPS, along with this one. Because of this, I may not be able to get to everyone's request immediately, or even in a timely manner. I came up with this book just for the fun of it, just so that I had something to write when I wasn't feeling like writing for any of my other books.

2. This book can come down at any time. If I lack motivation for writing it, or start getting negative comments or anything of the like, I have the authority to, at any given moment, delete this book. As I said, this is for a mental health break, so I don't need things here to damage my mental health unless it's just a really angsty drabble. Those are 100% an exception. No hate comments of any kind, that's is. It's not that I can't handle criticism, because I can't, it's that I don't want to. Don't @ me.

3. A drabble, by definition, is "a short work of fiction of precisely one hundred words in length". While these stories will be longer than 100, the intention is for it to be no longer than 1,000. These are for short readings and short writings. They will not be long at all.

4. Please keep in mind that I have the right to decline a request. Sometimes, there are certain things I just will not write. While it is unlikely for me to decline because I have an unhealthy need to please people, I hold the complete right to refuse.

5. If you want to request something, feel free to DM me or leave it in the comments next to the line of request. (Please write it next to the line when commenting, it makes it easier for me.) Just give me that line and the person you want. When DMing me, please keep in mind that I will have drabble books for more than one fandom, so be specific with the character.

6. These will all be xreaders. They will almost always be fem!readers, sometimes a specific gender won't be named, so they can be gender neutral. But they will usually be female readers.

7. PLEASE just request lines that are already there. I will be sure to supply MANY prompts for that purpose. Prompts can be used more than once, but characters for those prompts won't be repeated. For example: if you choose Line 7 with Character A, then you cannot do another Line 7 with Character A, but you can do Line 7 with Character B. You can double up prompts.

8. PLEASE request. Parts will only be added per requests. If no one request anything, don't be surprised when I don't update for this. They can be romantic, platonic, I don't care. Just request. You won't make me mad.

9. Unavailable characters for this book include: Agents of Shield, Fantastic Four, X-Men (not including Deadpool), Eternals, Defenders, Punisher.
—Moon Knight & Michael Morbius are open and encouraged.

That should be it. I may add some things here, but I think you get the jist. Be nice to me and each other. We're sensitive.

Thank you!

Marvel DrabblesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon