Promptless 3 (Wanda)

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You could not wipe the smile off your face as you drove, your hands holding onto your steering wheel tightly as you made another turn. You were a travel nurse and, for the past couple of months, you had been away from home for work. You had finally returned and were more than ready to surprise your lover with a hug.

You turned the last corner and saw the familiar house grow nearer, making your smile spread wider across your lips. You pulled up to the curb and got out of the car, closing the door as quietly as possible before turning toward the house. You could not even reach the front door before it swung open, revealing the lover of your life standing on the other side.

"Y/N!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around your neck as she smiled and laughed, excited tears already slipping down her tinted cheeks. You held her close with a laugh of your own as she spoke, "You're back!"

She buried her face in your chest as you stroked her back and kissed the top of her head, "I'm back, baby. I missed you so much." You could feel her grin against your chest as your arms wrapped tighter. "I won't be leaving for a while. It was too long."

"You better not," she mumbled against you, pulling you closer by your waist.

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