"Wow, thanks Mr. Davis." I smiled back, wanting so badly to return the generosity he always shows me. "Would it be okay if I played softball this semester? I've been trying to think of a way to ask you." 

"I think that's a great idea, I used to play baseball in high school and most of college so I can help you practice." 

Of course he did. Somehow with his style and physic I can see that. 

Looking into his eyes, I could immediately feel a slight tension in the room as a compressing force rushed to my chest. Sometimes he's so nice and consider that I almost feel bad for trying to find answers about my parents. Am I selfish or ungrateful, or both, for trying to get away from someone that was working so hard to make my situation as painless as possible? I haven't even considered if this would cause him any pain, not to sound conceited. 

Quiet, stay focused. You already messed up once with your small-world comment. I thought to myself. I could feel my face turning red as the pressure began to mount. 

"Naomi are you okay?" 


Thank God, saved by the bell. I looked up at him, expecting his immediate response to answer as he has a habit of doing in the Academy, but he made no movement. 


"There's someone at the door." I pointed behind me. 

"Yes I can hear that, they can wait. Are you okay?" 

Nodding, "Yes, I'm fine." 

"Don't be quick to answer, take a moment to think about it." 

"I'm find Mr. Davis, just reminiscing in some past memories is all."

He waited to make sure I was, and I had to stop myself from crying just to convince him. 

"Alright, excuse me." He said politely as he made his way across the living room to get to the front door. 

I took a deep breath, wiped my eyes and tried to put on a steady face. I have to stay committed to my plan; I owe myself that much at least.

"Sarah!" He exclaimed. "What're you doing here?"

I glanced over my shoulder and saw a women that appeared to be a few years older than him, but she had a much more lively appearance. She was dressed in a bright blue blouse with dark grey pants that shimmered all the way down to her ankles where a metallic pair of black heels finished. Draped over her shoulders was a white blazer that made her dark auburn hair shine against the red lipstick she wore confidently. 

"I heard you came back for the weekend and thought I'd stop in." She came inside, looking around at the house before our eyes locked. "Oh, who is this beautiful young woman?" 

I stood immediately and had a strange urge to straighten my clothing. 

"Sarah this is Naomi, Naomi this is my sister Sarah." 

"Hi." I said sheepishly, the prowess of my voice suddenly drained from my lungs.

"Naomi." She smiled at me. "That's a really pretty name. I've heard such great things about you." 

"Thanks," I said uneasily, trying to think of any mentioning from Mr. Davis about her.  "I like your blouse." I returned instead. 

"Thank you," She looked down at it, almost as if she forgot what she was wearing. "I'll have to take you shopping sometime."

"Uh, that would be really fun." I said politely, too afraid to admit that I had some doubt in her offer. It would have to be extremely awkward for us both, maybe even more awkward than I feel right now.

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