Last year everything managed to come crashing down. I missed a whole semester which wasn't really on my vision board last year but it happened. On top of everything making up credits for that semester is the cherry on top of all my problems.

I've heard about the programs my university has to offer by a few counselors who have recommended it to me. This one is the most popular if I recall correctly. I never really cared or just tried to avoid the topic with my counselors but I guess there's no avoiding it now since I'm on the road to graduating at the end of summer.

I click the link, anticipation rising in my veins as the screen loads. I watch as the site loads in, tapping my foot on the floor in a rhythmic pattern.

The screen loads and as it does I get an eerie feeling in my bones. Goosebumps rise across my skin as a chilly breeze makes the hairs behind my neck rise. I look at my screen not understanding why I feel like this.

This place looks oddly familiar.

But I can't possibly recall where I've seen it. A big palace stares back at me through my screen with the name 'Regal Greens' on top of the image. It was a golf club.

I scroll further down, reading more information on the place. I see the apply button appear on the left corner of my screen. All of a sudden I have a deep-rooted feeling to apply. And that's exactly what I do.

❀ ❀ ❀

Laying in the hammock chair in the corner of my room that me and Mia managed to build last week, I keep glancing over at my computer waiting in anticipation. I managed to send my application in about 3 hours ago but can't help but gaze over at my computer every so often. Picking up Pride & Prejudice from the shelf next to me to distract me as I hear fast footsteps start nearing my room.

"Violet! Please tell me you're in there!" I hear Mia yell whilst her quick steps get closer. I place my book in my lap leaning forward to see the door.

"Yes, I'm in here." As I say that I watch as she burst through my door, hand on chest while trying to catch her breath.

"Last time I checked our apartment isn't that big."

"Shut up." She puffs out, I let out a laugh as she moves the strands of blonde hair out of her face. Straightening up, her stormy blue eyes glaring at me.

"What is so important that it had you running?" I ask, genuinely curious since I know deep down that Mia loathes anything that has to do with breaking a sweat.

"I came to ask if you wanted to go to that low-key bar I love to go to. That guy I talked to you about asked me out so I need you there with me in case he's an ass or a creep."

"I have some studying I have to get done but I'll go with you because I know how much you like him," I say before she can start begging me to go.

"See this is why I love you so much." Her smile beams as she blows me a kiss while I catch it and put it in my pocket. "Be ready by 6:30" she points at me before leaving the room.

Even though I am the complete opposite of a social person my social battery dies at the slightest interaction. Mia is my rock through absolutely everything so I'd do anything for her because after last year I genuinely owe her my life.

Me and Mia met online during our senior year of high school. We got to finally meet in person the following year since we both got accepted to the University of London.

The only difference was, that she already lived in London and well I lived in Chicago. We became inseparable after meeting for the first time when she came to get me from the airport, relieved she wasn't some creepy old guy but her actual self.

That Summer With You (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now