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For those who were on my old account, RoseM82, I had already done a one-shot novel. Unfortunately, I didn't save them. But last time, I remembered that I had written one based on the song "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak. 

You'll find it just above. I'll be writing about it again, so I hope you like it!


- Mister! Mister!

- Hold on, mister! We want a story!

Merlin turned slowly to the group of children running towards him. He had lived in this village for over twenty years. In reality, he had never left the shores of this lake, but he regularly changed his identity, and his appearance slightly. After all, it was not necessary for everyone to know that he was immortal. 

Four children were in front of him, smiling brightly, sometimes showing a few holes in their teeth. Even though he had the reputation of being the old fool of the village, the children liked him for his stories that seemed so real, and the candy he always had in the pocket of his gray coat. 

- Okay, okay kids. Go get settled. 

He followed them, much more slowly, as the children ran to the edge of the lake. Merlin took his place on a large rock. The four little faces were in front of him, already ready to escape. 

- Good, good. So... What story will I tell today? 

- Arthur's ! 

- Really Leon? You must hear it almost every day. 

Merlin looked at the little red-haired boy sitting up front, straight, with a serious face. He reminded him so much of his friend. 

- Yes sir!

- Okay. But let me change it a bit. Did you know that one of King Arthur's knights was also named Leon? 

- Really? 

His eyes began to glow with excitement as he took another step forward.

- Yes. Leon was a very brave knight. He remained loyal, first to the young Prince that was Arthur. He never hesitated to stand between the Prince and a threat. When Arthur became King, and built the round table, Sir Leon became one of the first knights to take his place. Then, he stayed by Queen Guinevere's side, throughout her reign. 

- Wow! How did he die? 

- It is said that he lived for many years, before coming to sleep at the very edge of this lake, to say goodbye to his King one last time. The most faithful of all the knights. He was the leader, so he had to be very serious, all the time. But sometimes he would make a joke. Gauvain would always burst out laughing at that moment, patting him on the back. 

Merlin laughed at the memory. Gauvain had almost sent his leader to the grave, the slap had been so powerful. Sir Leon had almost choked on the piece of bread he was eating. 

The children laughed at this story.

- Mister! Do you have any other stories?

- Yes Camille. Many others.

Merlin smiled, trying to figure out what else he could tell the children. He liked to tell his memories in this way, always provoking the fascination of the younger ones.

- Did I ever tell you about the time Prince Arthur grew donkey ears?

Immediately, the children began to laugh. Merlin had to admit that he himself had laughed a lot that day. He still remembered how he had let Arthur bray for several days afterwards.

For more than an hour, Merlin told the funniest, most heroic stories of the knights of Camelot to the children, who sat there with their eyes shining. They laughed, and were scared all at the same time, feeling as if they understood the dragons alongside the knights.

- And so King Uther found himself married to an ogress. 

The laughter took more than five minutes to subside. But already, the children's parents were arriving to pick them up, it was time for lunch. It was well known that when the children of the village suddenly disappeared, it was because they were by the lake, listening to the stories of the lonely old man. 

One by one, the children found their parents' arms. Before leaving, his little hand firmly gripping his daddy's, Leon turned to the solitary figure.

- Tell me, sir. Were Merlin and Arthur in love?

The question surprised the wizard, who blinked several times, his heart suddenly turned by this question. 

- Who knows Leon. Who knows.

 The boy walked away. Merlin sat on his rock, his eyes lost in the water of the lake, which reflected the fading sun. As always when he was alone, he began to talk. He could almost imagine Arthur sitting next to him, listening quietly for once.

- Were we in love? That's a funny question. Can a Prince fall in love with a silly witch-servant? Can he? I don't think that's something that's possible. As for me... Oh, I loved you, Arthur, that's for sure. You don't sacrifice so much for a fool like that without loving him a little. But was I ever in love with you? You know, today, things are very different. Look at little Leon, you've only seen one of his dads today. Two men can be together, and have a family, and be happy. 

Merlin paused for a moment. He was thinking, thinking back on all those memories. The looks, the hugs, the promises they had exchanged. They would have died for each other without the slightest hesitation. 

- Arthur...

He had whispered that name, feeling a pang of pain run through his body. 

- Oh Arthur... You have no idea how much I miss you. Albion is long gone. I don't know how much longer I'll live. Perhaps it is time for me to join you in the land of Avalon? What good is an old man to this world anyway? Magic is long gone. And if I ever wanted to tell my story, I would most certainly be locked up in an asylum. 

The wizard raised his old frame, grumbling against the artrite that had taken over his body in the last few years. He was really getting too old. Slowly but surely, he moved closer to the lake. He shivered as his foot made contact with the cold water, but he didn't stop. With each step he took forward, the water rose a little more. He was far from the edge now, the icy liquid reached his neck. He didn't feel his body anymore, he was so cold. But it was equal to him. He was finally going to see Arthur again. 

- Avalon, I'm coming. 

He let himself slide into the water. Merlin did not struggle as he felt the water fill his lungs. His eyes closed on a last vision of Arthur reaching for him.


- Daddy! Daddy is coming to see! 

Young Leon's house was the closest to the lake. He could see from his kitchen to the shore where he always went to listen to the old man's stories. When his two fathers leaned out the window, they had to blink several times to believe their eyes.

On the edge of the lake, a man, his armor shining in the moonlight, his hair soaked, was shaking poor Merlin's body. But while he looked like an old man a few seconds before, his white hair shortened, and turned black. 

Soon he coughed, expelling the water he had breathed in. He flickered for a few seconds. The two men at the edge of the lake looked at each other, oblivious to the cold of the coming winter. Then they threw themselves on top of each other, hugging and crying.

- Dad, do we know who they are?

- Maybe it's King Arthur and Merlin? Wasn't it you who said they were in love?


So much for this chapter! It's completely different from the one I did last time. 

I hope you enjoyed it anyway. See you soon for the rest!

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