Heroux sighed and held his head, scratching it gently. "The Tzar wants you both in his party... this friday. Don't be late."

(Name) choked on her tea as she looked at Heroux in disbelief. Why would her old man throw a party all of a sudden? Unless..

"What you're thinking right now is correct. It's good you caught up real quick that I don't have to explain." He sighed in relief. Soon he stood up and walks outside after saying goodbye.

Both of them were left on the huge room, engulfed in silent until (Name) spoke.

"Would it be a bad idea if I bring some of my friends?" She asked looking at the heterochromatic eyed boy beside her.

"I think it's fine. It's your father after all. He never gets mad at you even if you kill someone right in front of him in a middle of an important meeting." He sips his tea. (Name) smirked and thought of something good.

"Well then.. I'll be leaving now. I thought there was something going on with your family again that you needed me. But I guess not." She stood up and looks at him who looked back. "Before I go.. can I ise the bathroom? I'll take a bath real quick."

"Oh? Sure go ahead. I'll go give you clothes when your done." He said and stood up too.




(Name) arrived at her mansion as saw a note that was pinned on the door to her room. It was Draken's writing.

Draken, Baji, and Mikey

Hey, (Name).. we'll be going now. Mitsuya called us for a meeting and Baji.. well, he went back to Valhalla. I cooked you some curry, it's in the fridge, just heat it and it'll be good to go. I hope you like it. - Draken

We'll be seeing you again if something happens. Also, Old man Wolf called me saying something about a party? Well, better invite me! And be sure to have Dorayakis in the venue!! - Mikey

Hy, (Name)! I'm sory four wat hapend to Chifuyu thhe otherr dey! I'm teribley sory for leving Tōman and joen Valhalla. I swert I have resons! Ples don't be mad at me and beat me up ageyn.. - Baji the great!

To: (Name)

I stiffle a laugh while reading Baji's letter. I don't know if I should be mad at him for beating Chifuyu or laugh my ass off and just tease him for this

She sighed and took the note of and folded it before putting it inside her pocket and went down to the kitchen. Grabbing the now cool curry from the fridge, she looked at it and smiled. There was small heart shaped carrots, though she doesn't eat carrots but for the sake of Draken who made this with much love and effort she'll eat it. She giggled before putting it inside the microwave.

After eating the delicious curry made by her big baby Draken, she went back to her room and called her friends.

After the call, she went to the bathroom to take shit while watching tiktok and laughing when funny ones pop off.

It wasn't a long day for her, not yet. She was waiting for the some guys to arrive at her place. As she was changing into a black sleeveless turtleneck croptop, the doorbells rang making her sped up in changing her clothes.

Opening the door to her house, she saw a baby blue haired lil cutie standing there with his eyes sparkling upon seeing the female. Besides him was a tall intimidating figure with weird looking eyebrows and red hair, same goes for his eyes.

"Y'all were fast!" She exclaimed and motioned them to come inside and close the door behind her.

"This dumbass immediately changed after you called him." The redhead, Kagami Taiga told the raven haired giggling female as he sat on her comfy couch.

"(Name)-san, where are we gonna go?" Asked the blue haired boy who looked excited.

(Name) chuckled seeing how excited Kuroko was. She slid open the drawer to pick a key, she grabbed one and slid close the drawer.

"Lets go!" She called for them which they followed her out and to the garage.

Kagami being a person who is interested in cars had his jaws dropped because of how many cars was in her huge garage. There was different kinds and every latest models.

'And she said this was only one of her houses..' he deadpanned at the thought. His senses came back when he heard a roaring engine of a black Maserati Ghibli.

"What are you staring at? Hop on!" She chuckled softly at their reactions. Mostly Kagami's.

"May I know where we're going?" Kuroko asked once again. The raven haire female on the driver seat just smiled and looks at her friend.

"We're gonna go shopping~"


Sorry I haven't been updating again.. *sighs*

Y'all already know so yeah~

But don't worry, I won't be discontinuing the book :D


You guys make me happy just  by reading the comment section 🤣

I hope this chapter isn't boring for y'all, and also, please give me some suggestions for what I should do fot the next chapters! I'm out of ideas! Pleas, give me some ideas!! 😭🔫

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