We go through the usual procedure of checking out of the airport. The three sisters and I finally make our way out to the exit where we were to meet our families. As soon as I step out, I feel overwhelmed. The different people and cultures all just hit me at once. I hadn't been paying attention to others before but now, as I scan the crowds for familiar faces, it occurs to me that I'm no longer in Pakistan.

And that's when I see the face of my adorable mother and I suddenly feel like a child. 

"There's Ummi!" I say to Isa, pulling him towards Ummi. I rush to her as fast as I can and I see Eliza emerging from next to her. They point to a gap between the barriers further down and walk behind the crowd. I pull Isa the other way and suddenly, Eliza's running towards me.

"Eliza!" I say, letting go of Isa's hand and hugging her back after she's crashed into me. 

"Isa! Look at you all grown up!" Eliza says, letting go of me and bending down to Isa's level. Finding the opportunity, I run towards Ummi. When she's finally in my reach, we hug each other and we start to cry. Only now, I realise exactly how much I missed my Ummi.

"Asalamu'alaykum," Ummi manages to say, weakly.

"Wa'alaykumsalaam," I reply in an equally shaky voice. That's when I see brother Imran approaching, pushing a buggy. Next to him is a young girl skipping.

"Baby Farah!" I shout and Farah looks embarrassed for a moment. When they get closer, I squeeze her and she giggles shyly.

"Still doesn't like you?" Imran asks, jokingly.

"I do like khala," (aunt) Farah responds playing with her fingers. 

"Ha!" I say to Imran before turning to see Isa suffocated in an embrace by Ummi. This is followed by many kisses. Isa stands rigidly, waiting to be freed and I laugh at the sight.

Then I remember the little thing in the buggy. My nephew! 

"Sami!" I say, taking the buggy and looking inside. I take the gorgeous little bundle of joy out and hold him close. "He's even more cute in the flesh!" I take his little hands and analyse the dimples on his wrist and roll up to see the dimples on his elbow. "He is just too adorable! Masha'Allah!" I squeal, giving him a huge sloppy kiss followed by a few more kisses.

"Well, we know who he takes after," Imran says.

"Indeed. He takes after me," I respond.

Finally, we get moving. We make our way to a hired seven seater. 

"Isa's going to sit next to me!" Eliza exclaims and Isa clutches my hand, looking up at me desperately.

"I think he's a little overwhelmed. Maybe it's best he stays next to me for now," I respond and Eliza nods in understanding.

When we get into the car, Isa rests his head on my lap and falls asleep. He's being much quieter than usual and I don't blame him. He knows Ummi and Eliza but it's been a while since he's met them. His usual confidence must have wavered being somewhere outside the village in which he's known well.

It occurs to me that I didn't say goodbye to the sisters. I exchanged numbers with the eldest so I decide I'll call them and apologise later. At the moment, I feel jet lagged. 

When we get home, I lift Isa and take him inside. 

"I made some lasagne for you. Mum was going to go with rice and curry but I thought you might want something different. I was going to make Shepard's pie but then I didn't," Eliza explains.

"I haven't had lasagne in so long!" I say, my mouth starting to water.

"Shall I warm some up for you?" Ummi asks.

Esha and IsaWhere stories live. Discover now