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TW// sex@ul assault blood asthma attack

Dream pov:

I hear a faint scream come from y/ns room we all look at each other before jumping up and running to her room the door is locked y/n is crying

"Y/n unlock the door" I yell

No response I hear a belt buckle hit the floor

I hit my body against the door it won't budge I run to the kitchen to get a knife to pick the lock till I hear the door slam open

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" I hear punz yell I run back to her room seeing her ex holding her down y/n has tears running down her faces hand print and cuts from where she tried to fight back

Punz pulls him off george goes and holds y/n I don't even care that she's completely naked right now

Punz and sapnap are yelling and punching him
"What the fuck did we tell you?" Sapnap yells
"If I ever saw you back here you would be dead" sapnap decks him in the face blood pours from his nose his lip is busted I try pulling to boys off of him

Y/n is crying
"Dream!" George yells I ignore it as punz backs off I'm now trying to pull sapnap off
"CLAY GOD DAMNIT!" George yells I turn seeing y/n holding her chest trying to catch her breath I ran to the bathroom to get her inhaler then running back punz is getting sapnap off of her ex I sit next to her and George "open" she opens her mouth I put the inhaler in the using it

"It'll be okay" I hug her pulling the blanket up to her shoulders

Punz finally gets sapnap off of him then he picks him up off the floor and walks him to the door I hear punz yell one last time

Y/n looks scared "it'll be okay" george whispers "everything is fine no one is going to hurt you"

I notice sapnap is gone, where is he?

Soon enough he comes out of the closet with new clothes on and I'm guessing clothes for y/n

"Do you want us to leave while you get dressed?" I whisper she nods slowly "come on" I nod my head towards the door george gets up sapnap stays

As much as I want to say something I ignore it it's not the time he's her boyfriend now

Sapnaps pov

I sit down next to her "hey princess" she looks at me tears fill her eyes his bottom lip shaking "you can cry don't hold it back"I reach up touching her face as tears pour from her eyes

With my other hand I pull the blanket down seeing a shit ton of red marks and cuts

Y/n covers her chest

"It's okay let me see I need to see if you're okay" she moves her hands there's a deep cut from what looks like was made by a pocket knife

I grab my shirt I don't care if it gets bloody
"W-what about my bra?"

Her voice brakes my heart
"It's fine you don't need one"
"Yes baby?" I look into her eyes
"I don't want to go to the hospital"
"You're going to have to go this is too bad for you not to"
"I'll be there with you"

She nods I help get her gets her shirt and pants on

I hate seeing her like this if I was there it wouldn't of happened I would of stayed with her I should have been a good boyfriend and stay in bed with her not go hang out with my friends

I help her up she's pales I hold her still so she can get her shoes on

There's a knock on the door "sap is bear okay?" Is George
"Yeah just get the car started please" my voice cracks I'm fixing to cry

Y/n looks at me she puts her hand in my face scratching my beard "I'll be fine baby don't worry" she whispers she whips the tears off of my face

I put my forehead on hers "I love you baby"
"I love you too sap"
"We gotta go"
"I know"

We walk to the front door dream stands looking at her then my shirt his eyes widen
"Hurry up and get in the car we got to hurry now"

Punz and George are in the car me and y/n get in the back with George

I didn't realize how bad its bleeding till now she rests her head on my shoulder

"Baby you can't go to sleep wake up"
"But" her voice is weak
"Come on please get up" I push her head up her pupils are huge

"Can we hurry up guys"
"I'm going as fast as i can sap"
I nod

"Bear" I hear George speak "bear?" He looks at her "wake up bear you can't sleep"
He shakes her

Her eyes open she looks half lipped at George
"Don't go to sleep please"

"We're here" I hurry up getting y/n out of the car
Dream helps me walk her to the doors

He rushes up to the front telling them what happened I sit with y/n keeping her up

"Mrs.y/n!" I help her stand up

As I'm walking her up there they stop me and dream "and you both are?"

"I'm her brother"
"And you?"

I look at clay he nods his head
"Her husband" she smiles faintly

The nurse nods letting us both back george and punz drove to our house to get stuff

We get to her room they have her change to look at the cuts

They look at her thighs then they ask me what there from

What do I say?

"I'm not sure I didn't see those" they nod

"She's going to have to get stitches and possibly stay the night"
"Okay" dream sounds tired
"Y'all can go home if you want"
"I can stay" I say quickly

The doctor nods

Me and dream get comfortable I look at y/n she looks sad

"Sapnap..." she whispers
"Yes?"she reaches her hand out to hold mine

I hold her hands their cold

The doctor comes back in with the things to give her the stitches he gave her the opportunity to be put on anesthesia but she said no

I watch dream had to leave the room she squeezes my hand I just rub hers with my thumb I watch as the thread goes through her skin

It hurts me to see her like this but I know it's worse pain for her

After they finish they said she should get some sleep dream comes back in

She's passed out in a matter of seconds dream is falling asleep

I guess I should sleep too I close my eyes not letting go of her hand

I drift off

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