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Cw//body dysmorphia

I wake up to my body being shook
"Whatttt" I groan pulling the blanket over myself
"Get up" I can tell by the voice who it is
"No clay leave me alone"
"Y/n come on we're going swimming"
"I don't wanna"
"Get up"
"Fuck off"

He jumps on my bed
"I don't have a shirt on"
"Get up dumbass you have a bra on get up"
"Hand me my shirt"he throws the shirt on my bed at me "hurry"
"Okay okay"

He gets out of my room I get up what am I gonna do about the hickeys

My water proof concealer maybe

I go and grab my bikini on going to my bathroom I grab my concealer rubbing it onto my collarbone making sure it covers everything

I grab a shirt putting it over myself then putting my slides on as I walk out the door I grab my phone

Clay and boomer are waiting next to the door for me "hurry" clay groans I slide my feet making myself go slower
"We're leaving bye" they walk out of the door "wait I'm coming" I say catching up to them

As we walk to the pool I see a bunch of people there there's normally 2 or 3 there's like 15 people

Clay throws me a towel pulling me closer "if you don't want to get in you don't have too" he whispers too me
"I'll get in I don't wanna be a buzz kill"
"It's fine you don't have too"
"Okay bubba thank you"
"No problem kiddo"

Once we get there clay opens the door boomer and I walk in I look around seeing a lot of girls

My brain started to compare myself to them

She's skinny, she has a thigh gap, she boobs are bigger

"Why don't you go sit down okay?"clay comes up behind me "okay" he walks me to an empty table setting their and my stuff down "if you wanna leave just tell me and I'll take you home or I can have one of the boys come get you"
I nod

I watch as girls pass

I see a girl she looks exactly how sapnap used to describe his type

Blonde big thighs long hair her eyes were bright blue and you could tell she was country

I start bitting on my nails the already chipped nail polish almost off i feel water splash on me I look seeing clay at the edge of the pool he shakes his head no I put my hands on my knees

What if sapnap really doesn't like me? What if he just felt bad or is just tired of being single maybe he's just using me?

My vision gets blurry I close my eyes trying to ignore the fact that im overthinking
"You okay big dog?"
I look up seeing boomer "yeah I'm fine"
"Okay bud" he hugs me getting me wet
"I'm wet now"
"That's what she said"
"It is what i said"
He smiles rolling his eyes walking away

I pull the shirt over my knees I could really use george or punz comforting right now
"Clay!" I yell hoping he heard me
He turns around and smiles "Ima head home"
"Okay be safe I love you!"
"Love you too" I grab my stuff heading home

About half walk through the walk I head a car driving slowly the person honks I ignore it
"Bitch answer me" I turn and look seeing punz "what the hell are you doing here and why the hell do you have sapnaps car?"
"Just get in"
I open the car getting in
"I knew something was wrong so I came to see" he smiles at me then driving back
"What's wrong why are you walking home?"
"Nothing and i didn't feel like going too the pool"
"The first part is a lie but if you don't wanna tell me that's fine"
"You're such an idiot"
"Love you too"

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