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Tw//r@pe mention name calling SH

he pulls me outside

"You're a fucking whore in a house full of guys I bet you've fucked all of them bitch it hasn't even been 5 months since we broke up and you've already moved on I came over to say sorry"
"Just go if you're going to act like this"
"No dont tell me what to do they're just using you" he pushes my chest i stumble backwards "I'm the only one that can love you no one else can love something that looks like you"

I feel tears fill my eyes

"Awe are you gonna cry now fucking bitch no one loves you that's why your parents left why would they want something like you"
"Shut up"
"What was that slut can't even look at me because you know I'm right"

The door opens it's George
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah" jack answers
"I wasn't asking you was I cunt?"
I look at George he nods closing the door
"No wonder no one likes you needy bitch you have to have someone stand up for you"
The door opens again
"Buddy I'm gonna need you to leave" it's punz
"This isn't your house"
"No but if I'm uncomfortable and she is too I'm sure clay would want you to leave"
"I'm not leaving"

Punz pulls me close to him "what if clay finds out what happened hm? I'm sure you wouldn't like what would happen" Punzs voice is louder I jump
"He wouldn't care he knows his sister is slut she liked it too she was moaning the whole time"

That's when punz snapped pushing me to the side then pushing him "you fucked up no one is going to talk to her like that you fucking bitch wanting to pick on someone that's younger and small than you why don't say say that shit to me or are you to scared hm?" Punz pushes him
"Y/n go inside" Punz says
"I said go inside" someone pulls me inside its George

His pale small arms hold me "hey hey everything is going to be okay y/n" he rests his head on mine he smells of vanilla

"Is everything okay?" I hear a deeper voice it's clay
George nods
"Why is punz yelling outside?"
I look over at him "what the fuck happened?" Clay walks towards me

sapnap is in the kitchen
"What the fuck is happening- are you okay?" He walks towards me clay goes outside I hear jacks friend Holden

George whispers something to him then holding me tighter sap goes outside George pulls me away from the door into the guest room

He takes my glasses off then wiping the tears "I love you y/n" he kisses my forehead

I can't tell if it's because I don't have my glasses on or the tears causing my vision to be blurry "everything is going to be okay he's not going to touch you again he's not ever going to see you again" he covers my ears I watch his facial expression he keeps a small smile on his face trying to makes sure I'm okay

"I need my inhaler" I whisper finding it hard to breathe
He nods going to find it 'breath y/n 1...2...3 out 3...2...1...' I repeat it till george gets back with it I use it I haven't had to use it in forever

"It'll be okay bear trust me they're taking care of it" I nod "he didn't deserve you" he kisses my forehead again "sapnaps much better anyways" I laugh a little he's right

My scars hurt the hand I hold the blade hurts I have the urge to cut I can't I said I wouldn't I won't "George I have to go pee"
He nods handing me my glasses I put them back on then walking to my bathroom I hear them outside

Once I get to the bathroom I lock the door then looking under my sink the box reads 'box cutter blades'

Don't do it you're just upset

I grab one I take sapnaps hoodie off rolling my shorts up I look for a place pressing hard sliding it across my thigh

I move to my stomach I wright 'slut' across my stomach

It's my fault clay doesn't have a girlfriend because he's to worried about me george and punz are too worried about me I'm the reason sapnap isn't happy they're just using me no one can love me that's what he said no one can I slide that blade across my thighs over and over blood covers them I grab toilet paper wiping it up then I continue

They're a a knock on the door
"Go away"
"Are you okay?" It's sapnap

My heart drops
"Yeah can you get punz?"
"Y-yeah" I put the blade up wiping the blood it won't stop it

"Y/n?" It's punz
"Can I come in?"
I grab a towel wrapping it around my self so he can't see the cuts

I open the door his eye is swollen he has a cut on his cheek
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine are you okay"

I brake down "woah woah come here" he hugs me closing the door "what's wrong?"
"I fucked up im a fuck up"
"Don't say that no you're not sit down"

I sit on the side of the bathtub
"What happened"
Do I show him I don't want to hurt him
"You what?"
"I fucked up"
"You've said this you didn't fuck up y/n"
"I did"

I move the towel his jaw drops "oh"
"D-don't tell please"
"I won't" he pulls me into a hug "no one has to know" tears fill his eyes
"I'm sorry"
"Shhh don't be" he rubs my back "you're gonna be okay" his voice is shaky "why?"
"Why did you do it?"
He nods letting me go "I'm gonna clean this up and you can get some sleep okay?"

I nod he grabs toilet paper and hydrogen peroxide he cleans me up "y/n"
"I love you what ever he said it's not true it doesn't matter he doesn't deserve you I'm sorry the things that's he's done to you won't happen again you didn't deserve that"

He grabs sapnaps hoodie helping me put it on
"I won't tell anyone" he opens the door We're met by clay and sapnap on my bed they look up

Sapnaps face is cut and bruised clays arms a bruised

Sapnap has a soft smile on his face
"Are you okay?" Clay asks I nod the 2 boys hug me

After a few minutes they let go "why don't you get some sleep" Sapnaps voice is soft
"I'll be in my room if you need me" clay says leaving punz is already gone

"I'm gonna go sleep downstairs"
"Stay please"
He looks hesitant to stay but he does

I get in bed waiting for him to get out of the bathroom

He comes out in his boxers then gets in bed I move closer to him wrapping my arm around him then laying my head on his chest

Sapnap wraps his arm around me
"I love you princess" he kisses the top of my head
"I love you sapnap"
"Sleep well"
"You too" I yawn

My eyelids get heavy my vision gets blurry I close my eyes falling asleep

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