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Possible tw(?)// crying slight anxiety attack

I wake to someone lifting me I open my eyes seeing sapnap "Shh go back to sleep I'm just taking you to your side of the bed" I nod hugging him he kisses my cheek then laying me down covering me up

"Sleep well"
I pull him down to give him a hug he laughs hugging me back
"I gotta go get dinner with your brother and Wilbur"
"Punz and niki are watching tommy and tubbo boomer is asleep I'll wake you up when I get back night darlin don't let the bed bugs bite" he kisses my forehead once more than leaves I cover myself up all the way

Time skip

"Come on baby food is here"
"Food is here come on"

I nod getting up following him into the kitchen seeing Burger King on the table tommy and tubbo have a kids meal and there's one more I know whoes that one is clay hands me it I roll my eyes opening it there's a crown I put it on smiling I see sapnaps phone pointed at me along with wilburs sylvees and clays

I eat the fries

After we eat we sit in the living room to watch a movie I sit next to sapnap and my brother they put on cars 2

I feel the urge to tell sapnap the truth about why punz actually came over here

I tap on his shoulder he looks over at me "ima go to my room and after a few minutes can you come to my room?"
"Sure baby"

I get up going to my room I get the feeling I get in my stomach when something bad is going to happen it's almost like getting punched in the stomach 1000 times

Sapnaps walks in "what's up?"
"I gotta tell you something"
"Go for it"
"Promise not to get mad?"
"I'm not gonna get mad at you"
"So when punz came over yesterday.."
He raises an eyebrow sitting down in front of me
"It's because he had this feeling about something being wrong with me"
"You were sick?"
"Well k-kinda clay and boomer took me to the pool a-and-"

Tears start rushing down my face "woah woah come here"he pulls me in rubbing my back my breathing gets heavy and it becomes harder for me to breath "shhh it'll be okay"

I pull away he looks at me with a slight frown
"And there were a bunch of pretty girls and there was one that looked e-exactly how you decided your type"

Sapnap wipes my tears
"They we're all skinny and blonde I felt like I wasn't enough"
"Listen babygirl you're enough for me god you're more than enough for me I wouldn't leave you for anyone"
"I went home early and punz caught me walking home he picked me up and said you wouldn't give me up for anything but I felt like that was a lie" 

The tears gush down my face I start shaking sapnap pulls me in "babygirl you're more than enough for me I wouldn't leave you if my favorite actress asked me out to be honest I throughly you were way out of my league I love you so much calm down it'll be okay I won't leave you don't worry about it and if you ever feel like this again I don't care what I'm doing call me text me I'll drive over here and make sure you're okay"

I nod
"Is that why you didn't answer us when we texted and called you"
"Y-yes I'm sorry"
"Hey princess don't be I understand sometimes I feel like that when I used to see you with other guy especially George and punz because you and them are so close you're my stupid girlfriend and no other girl can replace your clumsy self I also need to teach you how to spell mrs. swagger than you"
He lets go I look at him

"And remember their asses and tits are probably fake your body is perfect the way it is"
He grabs my face rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs "my pretty girl that I wouldn't give you up for anyone"he gives me a kiss on the lips "how about we make a blanket fort on the floor and niki can have the bed tonight sound good?"
I nod my head yes
"Come on" he gets up going to my closet getting a bunch of blankets out "come help" I nod getting up

After we make it we lay 2 blankets down on the floor for us then my laptop we turn on a random movie "come lay on my chest princess" i nod laying my head on his chest "sleep well" he rubs my back
"You too"

I find it hard to sleep I know sapnap is asleep because I can hear is faint snores

It hits me he said I love you to me I didn't say it back I feel like an asshole I was to worried about myself to say it back to him "I love you too sapnap" I whisper

I close my eyes trying to focus on falling asleep he pulls me in closer

Fuck this is the first time in a long time I've felt like a person has loved me besides George punz and clay

I get to show him off say he's mine but I'm worried about him leaving me for other girls that wouldn't do that

"Baby sleep" his voice is raspy like he just woke up
"I'm trying"
"Do you still feel bad?"
"Do you want Advil or something"
"It's fine I can get it"
"I'll get it baby you can lay down"
"But you were asleep"
"It's fine ima look after you when you feel bad"
"I love you"

He freezes "I-I love you too" he sits up
"I'll be back with a water and Advil"
"Thank you sapnap"
"You're welcome y/n"
He stands  up

I hear the door close I sit and wait bitting my lip and messing with my fingers

"Here" he says getting back under the fort he looks at me with a smile I take the Advil and water from him

"If you ever need to talk im here for you if you need anything I'll be here"
"Thank you"

He pulls me back down to lay on his chest "now sleep"  I nod yawning

His fingers run through my hair scratching my head

I close my eyes falling asleep

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