Chapter 12

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"Come on, Katy" you urged with stress pressing at your voice within your throat. She pulled back her arrow, the Dweller about to steal the dragons soul when she took the shot.

"Holy shit." Katy gasped with a cheerful laugh. Shang and Xialing fell down the dragon, each grabbing onto its fur before it dove into the water and splashed back up to knock the Dweller of Darkness down once and for all.

"Go." Xialing tells her brother with a nod, both of them racing up the back of the dragon. Shang jumped off the head delivering the final blow to the Dweller of Darkness as Xialing used her rope to hold its mouth open, allowing her brother to punch the rings down its throat.

Shang recollected his rings by pulling them through the Dwellers chest, allowing it to fall into the water with a splash. You watched in awe from the land as a gust of wind and water splashed out. The dragon flew them back towards the village, delivering them back onto the safe land where so many had fought and died today.

Shang looked around frantically, eyes searching the mess for someone specific. Katy nudged you forward as Shang met your gentle eyes. He raced towards you as you met him halfway, meeting in a hug full of unspoken words. Your feet had been lifted slightly off the ground, Shang afraid of letting you go and loosing you like he had already lost his mother and father.

"Thank god, you're okay" Shang pulled back to hold your face in his hands, scanning you quickly for any injury's. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay" you smiled up at him, pulling him back for another hug.


"Tonight, we honour those who gave their lives so we might see another day. They were more than warriors. They were our mothers and fathers, our sisters and brothers. And though we will always hold on to their memories, tonight we release them to rest with our ancestors." Nan spoke out as you all sat by the river, lanterns in hand as the sun had set hours ago. Shang looked to his sister before they each pushed a lantern onto the water, lighting up the lake brightly.

"Farewell, Dad." Shang said in mandarin.

"Mum, we'll be okay." Xialing promised.

"A thousand years ago, and a thousand years from now, we will always be together." Nan finished her speech, everyone sitting together and taking a moment of silence.

Shang sat beside you on the grass, taking your hand in his larger one. You rested your head onto his shoulder, looking out at the glow of lanterns on the water ahead. The water flowed a light blue as the dragon swirled underneath it. Shang rested his head on yours, giving your forehead a soft kiss before you watched the dragon fly out of the water it had lived in and start flying around in the air.


"I seriously thought we were going to die. And I'd only learned how to shoot a bow, like, a day earlier, now I'm on a battlefield, killing all these Soul Suckers with Shaun's aunty, who's this awesome, magical kung fu goddess and y/n too who can kick ass" Katy started the story as you laughed at how silly it sounded.

"And I'm hanging on to The Great Protector with my sister at this point, trying not to get eaten by the Mega Soul Sucker." Shang joined in on telling the story to your other friend and her husband.

"Oh, the Mega Soul Sucker was such a nasty bitch." Katy agreed with you nodding along through laughter.

"Yeah. It was trying to eat our dragon's soul." Shang continued.

"Which would have allowed it to destroy the entire universe." Katy added in the important details. The duo across from you listened in confusion, not believing the story at all.

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