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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mabel's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sadly watched as Wendy dragged my limp body out of the room. I knew all to well what had happened. I had died. Bipper had suffocated me, destroying my breathing passage. And I was mad.
"Why?" I asked myself, tears welling up in my ghostly eyes.
"I still had such a long life ahead of me...Candy and Grenda....what will they say? I was there only friend. And...WADDLES OH NO!!!" I burst into tears. Waddles would think I abandoned him. He would never understand the fact that I had died. I had lost so much. To much. And I wanted revenge. I wanted to destroy Bill Cipher, drain all his life force out of him. Kill him. Just like he had done to me. These violent thoughts raced through my once innocent mind. I glared down into the asylum, where Bipper stood. I hated his guts. Even though they were Dipper's guts... I missed Dipper. I wish I had gotten a chance to say goodbye. But I didn't. I was alone. Possibly forever. I curled into a ball, floating in the air, invisible to everyone around me. I sobbed. But I knew nothing would change. I was dead. And now I only had one purpose.
To murder Bill.
He was a being of energy, and now so was I. He could only exit the Dreamscape if he has a vessel. I wonder if the same worked for me? If I could go back to the real world as a puppet or something, like Dipper did when he lost his body the first time to Bill. Maybe. I studied my pale, mostly see through hands. I clenched them into fists. I was going to kill that triangle.
I whispered under my breath: "Bill, you better watch your back. Because I'm coming for you. I'm coming for revenge. I will avenge myself. I will erase you from existence."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Heyo! This chapter was very different, aye? Mabel's P.O.V and she's dead! Wow so cray cray. But Mabel's previously innocent spirit is gone. She will try to kill the cold blooded murder that spilled her blood onto Dipper's hands. But how? They are both immortal...or are they? Mabel obviously is, due to her dying already. But we know that even dead people can die again. And never come back. Just like when (SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT READ THE LAST WARRIOR CAT BOOK) Spottedleaf gave herself up for Sandstorm. Her final gift to Firestar. Anyway, remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYYYYEEEE!!!!

Reality is an illusionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora