Chapter 8

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A pleasant music surrounded the church, the guests seated themselves talking and giggling waiting for the bride to enter,  some were wishing and blessing Liam who was standing in the sanctuary . 

" Congratulations son, this wedding is going to change our lives", Mr.Lockhart whispered in his ears . The church was beautifully decorated with lights and the aisle was decorated with flowers. Everyone became quiet when the church gate opened and the bride entered holding a bouquet of flowers. People were wishing and clapping as she walked down the aisle to the sanctuary, her face was covered by her veil.  

They priest done Nuptial ceremony. 

" Now I declare you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." ,as the priest declared them married. Liam turned towards her and slowly removed her veil and kissed her.   
The ceremony was over, there was a beautifully decorated carriage standing at the gate waiting for the newly married couple . Liam and Kathleen approached it followed by the charming crowd of people parting them goodbye and strewing flowers down their path till the church campus.  
 They reached Carlisle late evening, the entire estate was filled with guests congratulating them ,they had a grand feast announcing Kathleen as a part of their family.  
It was late at night, when finally the guests departed, everyone went to their respective rooms, Liam finally entered his room to see his wife sitting on the bed with still her veil covering her head. He simpered which turned into a smile as he was observing her from head to toe, she was beautifully dressed with her wedding gown and jewelry.  

" Kathleen..", he whispered and sat beside her. She turned around and slowly turned up her veil revealing her face. 

" We are finally married… aren't you happy? We are going to be together forever.", he said slowly caressing her cheeks , he looked at her face down into her neck which was adorned with a pearl necklace, a smile crossed his lips.  

" I feel bad for you ", she simpered perfidiously. 

" What.. what are we talking about", he gave a confused look. 

" That you and Kathleen can never be together", she hissed and stood up. 

" I knew that it was not a marriage but a curse, once she kisses you in the sanctuary,  she will be bonded to you until someone strong break the curse or until you remove it and since Abriella always follows her , you will get it and whatever she does, all the spells will be in your favour, so I impersonate her."  

" No...No that cannot be.. ", he quivered in shock.. " Who are you..? You.. dared to betray me!" 

" Lu..Lucrecia..", he gasped as he saw her face changed into a countenance of an emerald eyed , light skinned woman with witty lips.  

" Yes, you are right. I won't let you go near Kathleen." 
She turned around to leave but stopped as she heard a laugh . She looked back and saw Liam sniggering at her. He walked nearer to her. 

" Do you think that I am so foolish to not know anything? I must say I am really good at pretending , don't you think so?" 

" What do you mean, Liam ", she hissed and suddenly backed off , her eyes wide opened when he saw Liam talking out the Abriella stone from his coat. 

" How...did you ?" 

" I think you have made a mistake, this stone belongs to Amaira and anyone related to her can have this and so it will follow you because it no longer belongs to her. " 

" Did you…" 

" Yes, You are right and now you will do what she was supposed to do." 


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