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It was very dark when Wei Wuxian jolted up and heard the sound of someone walking down from the helipad. He looked at his watch and saw that it was almost dawn.

Who was it?

He might have the devil-may-care attitude, but he would still be worried about his friends' wellbeing. He was still inside the bundle of blankets in front of the couch, wearing nothing since he always slept in the nude. But now that he was alert, he looked for any weapon and his eyes fell on the fire poker. He took it and got ready to attack whoever it was that came downstairs.

The gorgeous man was kinda pissed when he hurt his ankle doing the complicated stunt on the water ski board, and it caused him to have to rest them for at least two weeks so he decided to come to the villa by jumping from the plane with parachute attached on his back. At least by doing that he wouldn't have to put unnecessary pressure on his twisted ankle. 

He landed on the big H sign on top of the villa, the helipad. It was so secluded, no one but his brother wanted to come there. Who wanted to get stranded with no internet nowadays? Only his super busy brother. And himself. He enjoyed the occasional radio silence, and just to relax, collecting his self, think about his next act, and sometimes…

He was so deep inside his thought that he didn't realize that someone was standing at the end of the stone staircase and ready to bash his head with fire poker.

Wei Wuxian was so used to taking a hit since he was a child, and that was one of the reason why he took a martial art class and as usual, excelled at it although he rarely used it outside the gym. And right now he was nervous as hell. What if the stalker was armed and dangerous? After all they could destroy his changing room completely, and at the same time, tried to kill him with the spotlight. Anyone who was unlucky enough to stand under that heavy spotlight would be puddle of flesh and blood, thank god for Shen Qingqiu.

But now he was prepared.

The second he heard the intruder entered the door, he swung the fire poker hard, and it hit a very solid wall of muscles. He heard a loud thud and then he heard the muffled sound of the man cursing.

"What the fuck??" The man groaned and moved a few steps back, then he charged ahead to attack Wei Wuxian. "What the… you???" He stopped his fist midway when he saw that it was Wei Wuxian who attacked him.

The man was standing against the light, that's why Wei Wuxian did not recognize him until his eyes adjusted to the lowlights. But, of all the people in the world, why him???

"It's you??" He almost screamed from recognition and the mortification that followed. No fucking way. He was so not prepared for this.

The man did not let him go, although he also recognized him. 

"What are you doing in my place?" He growled as he shook Wei Wuxian hard. Then his eyes roamed the whole of Wei Wuxian's naked body and his hostile manner turned into a smirk. "Still the exhibionist, I see."

Although Wei Wuxian was tall, this man was taller, and more muscular, and Wei Wuxian knew first hand how strong he was by how easily he… carried him… back then.

He then pushed the man away from him and he took the blanket to cover his naked body. The other man chuckled as he walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"No need to be so modest, I've seen everything, remember?" The man took a bottle of cold water and drank that in a couple of gulps.

"What are you doing here, Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian became very alert of this man's presence in his immediate vicinity, as he always did. He was vibrating with life.

"Oh? I thought I'm the one who supposed to ask you why you're here, Wei Ying? Although judging that my brother is your boss, I bet my ass that he's the one who put you here." He gave Wei Wuxian a thorough once over. "Still got insomnia I see."

Wei Wuxian did not answer him, instead he just walked back to the couch and assumed his position there while his head was full of this man, Lan Wangji, his childhood friend, his best friend, and his ex lover. They did not part amicably, and there was still a lingering feeling of resentment over how they ended being separated. They loved each other so much until it suffocated them, and in the end, they decided to take a break from each other. And that was two years ago. He'd been so immersed in his job to ever find time to think about their relationship, and now, here they were.

"Really? Not even an answer?" Lan Wangji chuckled as he took off his dirty clothes. "Fine. I need to grab some sleep, see you tomorrow Wei Ying."

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