The Council and the Senate

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It was only the first time that he found his padawan learning something from this master. In just a matter of a week Anakin seemed to settle down and was not so easily angered. He was calmer and surprised him by finally meditating instead of fidgeting the entire time. Their time sparing together, Anakin was unstoppable, but Obi Wan had upped his game as he was also sparring with Surik right next to Windu, Drallig and Yoda at times. How this unknown master could fend off all four of them with ease was a puzzle that he would eventually find out. The man seemed to have boundless energy. Many different Jedi went to him and he was at times other than in the dining hall unreachable.

Revan felt it even before Anakin came in the dining hall to get breakfast. The calm he had gained had been shredded by something during the night. He hid it well as his shields had gotten much stronger but as with any student that Revan had taught, he could not hide from him. It was a skill he shared with Meetra and the reason his brother had left the order. He was more of a loner who could make fast friends but never wanted any deeper connection. He reserved these deeper connections for family. Revan had given up that luxury in order to form his empire and keep his subordinates loyal. He watched as the boy got his food and came over to his table. He kept his silence until Anakin took a moment to center himself enough to speak.

"Morning Master Surik." He had not seen them for some time as they had gone to Ansion over some border dispute.

"Looks like you didn't even sleep. Bad dream?"

"Several. I..." He then went silent as Knight Kenobi sat down looking as refreshed as he always did. Revan could not ignore the sudden shift. There must have been something else going on, but this was more of a trust issue and one that he had been slowly beginning to understand and it was not just between Anakin and Kenobi, but between many of the master padawan pairs. More so with the masters that interacted with Anakin that really bothered Revan. It was as if the masters were actively trying to suppress their students learning. That they were forcing them all into the same mold instead of bringing them to the breaking point or failure point and then teaching them to go beyond that.

These were the methods he had learned and even taught to detrimental effect during the formation of his empire. True that these Jedi did not have to be in top form to go after normals, but to hold them to an impossible emotional norm was something he had felt was not in the best interest of the Jedi Order. Even the Jedi Council of his time would be shocked at how apathetic the Order had become. He looked to Kenobi and from what he could tell he had slept well and meditated at least for a few hours before coming to breakfast unlike Anakin who had most likely not slept at all.

"The council is going to want to talk to you later on today Master Surik. They feel that you need to get a better understanding of the current political situation."

"I do not need to see the Senate Zoo to understand current politics."

"Well, you are not wrong." Anakin chuckled slightly to this response.

"Fine but I am not going to postpone my practice sessions."

"That is why I said later on today." He began to eat and so the conversation moved to other topics that did not cover nightmares or troubling visions. Several hours later and after a fresh shower Revan felt something was not right as he headed up to the High Council chambers. He looked out one of the windows unable to see what could have been an explosion in the distance that he could feel had caused a few to die. It was not the first time he felt death since he arrived in this future but it was the first time the Force whispered in his ear. This caused him to contemplate if this was why he was here so it took much longer to reach the chamber at the top. Sure, he could have taken one of the lifts, but the time taking the stairs gave him time to focus and clear his mind. It was strangely convenient when he reached the top that Kenobi and Skywalker were coming out of the lift.

Revan Between WorldsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant