As the blonde laughs, Nathaniel has had just about enough of this guy. He reaches over and grabs the jokester by the lapels. "That's it for you, wise guy!"

Seeing he's serious, the blonde holds up his hands in surrender. "Whoa, whoa! Easy! Look, the ink is going away!" Nathaniel looks down at his shirt and notices the stain slowly disappearing. "See? Vanishing ink."

Nathaniel snarled, "Well, why don't you make like the ink?" He drops the blonde into his chair and returns to his seat. One of the bubbles floats up with his drinks. With a quick pop, Nathaniel swallows the first shot with one quick jerk of the head.

"Hot stuff over here!" Guitar Villain announced.

On stage, the music competition has reached high levels of mayhem. They use their instruments as weapons now with Guitar Villain blasting Frightningale with his guitar and Frightningale whipping Guitar Villain with the whip attached to her microphone. As the two are forced to dance, two hooks from opposite ends of the stage drag them away as the audience members clap and cheer.

"... Nath?" Nathaniel turns to see Time Breaker standing with a tray of drinks. He can't help but give the faintest smile at the sight of his old friend. "Nath, it's great to see you! We miss you in Akuma Town, y'know."

"Wish I could say the same," he said, making the skater frown as an unwanted memory returned. "What're you doin' here, serving drinks?"

She looks away embarrassed. "Ah, work's been slow." Making sure no one is looking, she slips Nathaniel another glass and takes the empty one.

He gives her an appreciative smile. "So..." He tilts his head towards the blonde. "Who's the comedian?" He asked, using finger quotes on the last word.

She leans in and whispers, "That's Adrien Agreste, the gag prince..." She glances around. "For now, until his old man retires."

"Shoulda guessed," he muttered.

Time Breaker continued, "He comes here every night to see Reverser."

"Big on the lie detector types, huh?"

She gave the redhead a knowing smirk. "Sounds like you've never seen him, Nath." As the lights dim, she moves on to pass out more drinks.

"Hello, everybody!" Bubbler yelled out as he walked onto the stage with a spotlight following him. "I hope you're all having as much fun as I am!" He grinned before giving the audience a solemn look. "I have a small announcement to make. Reverser will not be able to sing tonight." There's a roar of disapproval from the guys in the crowd. They shower him with debris but stop when he bursts out into laughter. "I'm messing, people! Without further ado... here's the gent you all know and love. Akuma Town's own... Reverser!"

There is excited applause as the lights dim. The sibling duo made up of Silencer and Reflekta strike up the intro to a song. A spotlight hits the curtain as a white-as-snow pokes out, teasingly.

Ya had plenty money back in... '22.

The crowd goes wild as the rest of the body belonging to the leg emerges. Reverser is a black and white Akuma and a total knockout in crowd members' opinions. Other than his body which looks like origami, he's one of the more humanoid-looking Akumas... And a gorgeous one at that. This is not quite the Akuma Nathaniel expected Princess Justice to be the cousin of. His jaw drops and his reaction is mirrored all around the room. Everyone is panting so hard, that if a match were lit, it'd blow out.

You let other rich men make a fool of you

Why don't you do right?...

Like some other guys do...

Get out of here and

Get me the money too...'

Reverser takes the mic and comes off the stage. Slinkily, he wanders among the tables, teasing the males as he goes. Seeing one trying to get a closer look, Reverser kicks his chin.

Nathaniel gapes while Time Breakers looks on in approval. "He's Princess Justice's cousin?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "Oh, and Nath? You'll catch flies like that." She places her hand under Nathaniel's chin and pushes it up, closing his mouth.

There's a wolf whistle from behind them. Heart Thief, a brunette Akuma wearing a red tailcoat with the ends forming a broken heart practically drools at the sight of the singer. Not able to contain himself, he makes a rush for the stage and pulls out a red choker necklace with a silver heart charm. The gorilla bouncer grabs him by the ends of his tailcoat. Heart Thief, legs spinning madly, tries to grab at Reverser, but the bouncer pulls him back with little effort and bashes him on the head, knocking the sleazy Akuma out.

Reverser, like all good singers, has continued his act undaunted.

If you had prepared twenty years ago...

You wouldn't be wanderin' now from door to door

Why don't you do right?...

Like some other guys do...

He sashays over to Adrien's table. Teasingly, he twirls his blonde locks.

Get outta here...

Get me some money too...

Now Reverser works his way over to Nathaniel. He stops at his table and sings tauntingly. Then with a flourish, he throws herself in his lap, making the redhead's face turn as red as his hair.

Get outta here...

Get me some money too...

Nathaniel leans in as he does, thinking they're about to kiss, but instead, Reverser turns away at the last second and gets up. He makes his way back to the stage, sits on the edge, and slowly crosses his legs right in front of Nathaniel.

Why don't you do right?...

Like some other guys...

... Do...

There is raucous applause when he finishes. Reverser looks deep into Nathaniel's eyes. "Thanks for your lap." Before Nathaniel can reply, he's already gone and back behind the curtains, leaving Nathaniel wide-eyed and dry-mouthed. He blinks. "... What the hell was I supposed to be doing again?"

NathMarc November 2021Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora