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I watch her work from my booth, her bright smile lighting up the whole diner, as she makes her way to me.

"And what can I get you sir?" She asks sweetly.

"Tea please, Darling," I smile at her.

I watch as she sheepishly smiles back at the name.

"It'll be right out," she says softly.

"Thank you," I make a show to look at her name tag, "y/n."

"Of course," she nods before walking away.

I notice her coworkers giggle as she returns before she shushes them. I watch one of them mouth "he's cute" to her before she smacks her arm a bit.

I chuckle at the sight as she prepared my tea and brings it to me.

"Anything else for you, sir?" She asks.

"Yes actually," I grin at her, "dinner this Saturday."

"Well um-," she stutters, flustered with a small smile, "I uh I'd have to check my schedule."

"Well if you're busy we could always find another night," I keep my grin.

She bites her lips with a grin of her own.

"Well let me check," she looks up, feigning to think, "you know I think I'm free."

"Perfect," I smile widely.

"Here," she writes something down, "my number. Call me and we can set up where to meet. But I gotta get back to work now," she looks over at her boss with a sheepish smile.

"Of course, Darling," I nod, "I'll be sure to be in touch."

She nods and turns to go back to work.

I see a black whisp out the corner of my eye and turn to it quickly.

No, it can't be.
I fixed it.

It's probably my paranoia.

I'm going to do thing right this time around.

Book two coming soon 😁

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