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~a few hours earier~

I sit in the conference room with my brother and his companions as a woman cries, begging on her knees for their help

"Please," she sobs, "it's been four months."

"Can you tell us what happened one more time?" Bruce asks, rubbing his eyes, annoyance hidden behind his words.

"She was abducted!" The woman shouts angrily through her tears, "I've told you a hundred times! I was headed to bed when I heard something come from my daughter's room. It sounded like she had a man in her room, she's grown so I didn't think anything of it until I heard her tell him to go away and leave her alone. He said something, I couldn't make it out, and she yelled at him to leave. He yelled back saying that she was going with him. I opened the door just as I saw the silhouette of a man grab her then disappear into a cloud of smoke that went in on itself instead of spreading. When the cloud disappeared, the man and my daughter were both gone. Please. I just want my daughter home safe."

He voice breaks at the end of her final sentence.

"Alright Ms. Hidesmen," Tony says with a smile of fake assurance, "we'll do our best to find her."

The woman leaves finally.

I feel a twinge of guilt, but not enough to tell her that I know exactly where her daughter is. To tell her that she won't be seeing her ever again.

"I feel bad for her," Clint says from his seat, staring at the floor, "I can't imagine how it must feel to watch your kid get taken, grown or not, I would be doing the same things she is."

"Yes but what do we have to go off of?" Bruce says, "a silhouette, and a cloud of smoke. She can't even remember what the guy sounded like or what she saw of guy. He kidnapped a nineteen year old girl from her bedroom in her mother's house, what can we do, Clint?"

"I don't know," he shakes his head.

We stay silent for a moment before I break the silence.

"So why was I needed?" I ask looking from face to face.

The assassin looks at me sternly.

"You've been disappearing a lot lately, especially in the last four months," she says, "why is that?"

"What am I not allowed to enjoy my own solitude?" I raise a brow.

"You didn't start 'enjoying your own solitude' until this woman came up missing," she says accusingly.

"Are you seriously implying that Loki would hold a woman against her will?" Thor replies before I can say a word, "Loki has done questionable and/or bad things in his past, but he would never do something so beneath him."

I'm not sure if I should feel happy that at brothers defense, or wounded at how he said it was beneath me. I suppose he's right. Keeping a woman help captive is not exactly right, but how could I not

I watched that woman for months, wanting nothing more than to have her to myself. I watched the way she interacted with the people around her, her kind heart and warm smile never faultering. I watched as that scum of a man broke her heart, yet she still told no one. I watched as she worked harder than anyone around her and never complained despite being treated like dirt. I watched as she went home and told her mother lies of how her day was great. I watched as she treaded up the stairs of her home, the weight of everything finally revealing itself as she closed her bedroom door. I watched as she would sit on her bed and begin to cry. I watched as she cried silently for hours before preparing for bed. I watched this broken woman put on her mask every morning, and do the same thing I did.

Captive (Loki Story 18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora