484 19 5

⚠️swear words, mention of death/ blood⚠️

Clay and George walked around the warehouse, the lights were dim. The brunette looked around in disgust "This place is a literal dump."

Clay rolled as he tried to look for evidence "I'm sorry that this warehouse isn't what you expected."

George shot a glare at Clay, the blonde knew he was looking at him but he ignored it. The blonde looked around until he saw a drawer so he tried to open it. It was locked, he groaned.

"Having troubles?" George asked.

"Nope I'm just fine" Clay got on his knees and he noticed a key hole, he grabbed the key from his pocket and it unlocked.

"See the key was useful" Clay said putting the key back in his pocket.

"Well I'm sorry that-"

Clay put his finger near he ears, George noticed "What is it?"

"Sorry I have this really annoying ringing noise in my ear" Clay said sarcastically "I wonder why?"

He rolled his eyes "So what did you find?"

Clay looked through the drawer, it just had random names "A bunch of random names."

"This doesn't add up why would someone basically give us a key just to random names?" George asked.

"I don't think these are just random names" Clay said looking through all of the names.

"How do you know that? For all we know it could be-"

"Can you shut up for one second and let me think?" Clay asked.

George stayed quiet even when so many thoughts came through his mind staring with what and how.

"Wait a second" Clay said pulling out a file.

The blonde walked over to the table and sat the file on the desk, he the turned on the light. He looked through the file, and there was picture of a dead body.

"Isn't that?"

"Maninder Riddle" Clay said.

"But did we see him run away a few minutes ago?" George asked.

"But what if that wasn't Maninder Riddle?" Clay said "But I have no idea who it would be then."

George thought about it for a little "What if it's John Taken?"

Clay shot a glare at George, his heart dropped "No, it couldn't be."

"Why? It all makes sense he is a murderer"

"Do you really think it's him?" Clay asked.

"Yeah it all makes sense, but why would he not take the key with him?" George asked.

"Its like he didn't want to."

It made sense, he stood in front of his dad "I have no idea."

"None of this matters now he's probably heading off somewhere else now" Clay closed the file.

"But we have a start, and it does matter" George said "We have proof that John Taken stood right in front of us today, that's pretty damn good."

"I guess so, here" Clay gave the file to George "Now come on let's go."

Clay opened the door for George, then the were swarmed with the police.

"CCPD, put you hands in the air!" One of the cops yelled at the two.

George dropped the file on the ground in front of the police, and he put his hands together in front of the cop "Go on, arrest me."

Clay looked at George, is this bitch serious?

A Colleague With A Story... (dnf)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon