"Hows your tea anyways?" He asks staring into your eyes, you take a sip and look at him,
"fucking hot! Just burnt my tongue! Bitch!" He laughs at you shaking his head. You sit in silence for a couple minutes just staring at your tea before turning around to William.
"Hey Will?" He looks up at you,
"yeah, whats up?" He says drinking his coffee,
"I'm really sorry about Oliver. I tried to get a word in but they weren't having any of my shit, i feel awful about it all. I really don't want him to come back and work with us and especially be on your team!" He puts his coffee down and looks you right in the eyes,
"hey its not your fault! I don't want him to work with us either. I don't want him anywhere near you! If he goes anywhere near you i swear I'll kill him, i don't care what he says or does to me!" William says starting to raise his voice, you shush him and smile at him,
"thanks Will, i always got your guys' backs... and i care!" you shout back hitting his leg,
"i know you do," he smiles back and puts his arm around you giving you a quick hug. He stands up after this,
"lets go find you some trainers, shall we?" You laugh at the way he says it attempting a British accent,
"never do that again!" You say laughing at him and follow him to another shop.

He walks into a sports shop and you follow him in and head straight for the shoes you stop when you see a hoodie you like the look of in the men's section,
"thats nice!" You shout and William looks up at it nodding,
"yeah that is really nice actually, that'd look good on you," you smile to yourself biting your lip and carry on walking over to the shoes. You get butterflies after hearing him say that to you but you try shrug it off and carry on. You grab a pair of shoes you like and try them on and walk around in them,
"yes! These are the ones!" You say and look at William who is stood smiling at you, you put the shoes in the box and William walks away while you get your shoes back on and meets you at the till to pay.

You hand over the shoebox and get a shock when they read the price out and William quickly pays for it winking at you then grabs the bag and walks out, you follow him out quickly.
"Why did you do that?" You ask, stopping him grabbing his arm, he turns to look at you and shrugs,
"no reason, just thought I'd treat my best friend, that ok?" He smiles at you, you smile back shaking your head snapping out of it and going back to being serious again.
"But why was it that price?!" You ask raising your voice a little, he gives you the bag, you open it and see the hoodie you said you liked.
"Will! You didn't have to do that!" You say looking at him shocked and start smiling when you see him smile at you.
"You're a big softy, you know that!" You say to him smiling nudging his arm, he puts his arm around you smiling,
"anything for you," you smile at him and both start walking away. You feel butterflies again and look down biting your lip.

"We should go find them three, I'm getting hungry!" You say as William takes his hand from around you and you both continue walking side by side. His hand brushes against yours a couple times and you hold your breath and try move away but it just happens again, you look ahead and see Chase waving at you both, you wave back and head over to them.
"Hey baby, get anything nice?" Alex says smiling walking up to you,
"just some shoes and a hoodie... Will got me them," you say looking at William smiling,
"aww your goofball bestie!" Alex says laughing,
"you saw that huh?" William says facepalming, you all laugh.
"Right, don't know about you guys but I'm starting to get tired and I'm super hungry!" You say holding your belly giving Alex puppy eyes, he shakes his head smiling and stands in front of you turning around gesturing for you to get on his back, you hop on and he starts walking, you look back at Will and he grabs your bag, "thank you!" You shout to him and then they start following you both.

"Hey (Y/N)? I love you. No matter what happened yesterday, or all this shit with Oliver. I love you regardless and I'm glad to call you mine." Alex says to you out of the blue as your walking, you wrap your arms around his neck hugging him and kiss his cheek,
"aww, i love you too Alex," you say and he kisses your hand thats just under his chin.

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