Chapter 17-Fireworks & Fury

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Potter stormed out of the Potions classroom and down the hall towards Draco, putting rage into every step.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Draco asked irritably.

"What's it to you, traitor?" Potter stopped in front of Draco. "Of course you're not a traitor because you weren't on our side to begin with!"

Draco had Potter backed up against the wall with his wand at Potter's throat in a second.

"If I were you," Draco said in a calm yet threatening tone, "then I would keep my mouth shut at all times. Don't think you're some clever hero, Potter. Some of us have bigger things to worry about than their bullying Muggle cousins."

He strode away, confident with the surprised look on Potter's normally smug face. Draco couldn't believe Potter was the one person he had to work to save. He'd almost rather let Voldemort win.

Draco passed the classroom Potter had emerged from, wondering what he could have been doing there. Probably Occlumency lessons. But why had he been so angry? He turned to look in the room and saw Snape standing in the middle looking absolutely furious.

The only possible explanations for Potter's fury were that he either wasn't getting the hang of it or he'd seen something in Snape's mind. Snape wasn't one to get angry for Potter's incompetence so it must have been the latter of the two scenarios.

Was it a scene of Sirius and Potter's father bullying Snape? That would certainly make Potter furious--seeing his father, who had always been praised for his bravery and loyalty and kindness, hurt someone.

This meant that Potter's lessons were probably over so his mind was completely unprotected against Voldemort.

Nice going, Potter, Draco thought. The Annoying Boy Who Wouldn't Just Die In Some Tragic Accident was making things much more complicated.

On his way to the common room, he bumped into Hermione and Luna walking together, which was odd. As smart as both girls were, Hermione's knowledge consisted of "real" things and Luna's consisted of, er, Nargles.

"Hello, Draco," Luna greeted politely.

"Hi, Luna," Draco returned. "And Hermione. What are you guys doing down here?"

Hermione and Luna glanced at each other for a second before Hermione said, "We actually came to find you."

Draco frowned. "Why?"

"It seems like we're the only ones other than your real Slytherin friends believe you. We want to make sure you know that."

"I do, thanks."

"Good. We were wondering if there's anything we should know."

Potter's vulnerable because he's a dumbarse. And I should also tell you about the whole secret plan. But until someone knew how to get rid of Voldemort--permanently--then Draco couldn't say anything. If at the end of the year the plan suddenly didn't work, tons of people would have to answer for it and Voldemort would go on more killing sprees than he would normally.

"Nope," Draco finally said. "There's not a lot I know about You-Know-Who's plans, so I guess I can't help you."

The two girls nodded and went off on their way, but before Luna turned around, she gave Draco an understanding look, as if she knew what had gone through Draco's head before he'd answered.



Another firework. The fifth years sprang out of their seats to get a closer look at Fred and George Weasley. The twins had successfully disturbed the OWLs, and no one had a problem with that.

Draco Malfoy and The Order of the Phoenix (BOOK 5 of 7)Where stories live. Discover now