Ch.8 "Amaimon.."

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I'm sorry for not updating more often but I have had a lot to do. Anyways I thought I'd just give you all a small update because I have NOT forgotten about u, don't worry!! Also sorry for short chapter I promise next chapter will be longer and more eventful

~Y/n pov~
We were walking down the streets in the afternoon summer heat, my tail waived slightly back and forth as Mephisto wore his classical smirk. It had been a while since I first meet the people at True Cross Academy, they were for the most part nice. I was still struggling to remember anything from before. If only I knew what the red flames meant. Mephisto said that it was best to let it go... that remembering was going to be more painful than the unknown. he truly do speak in riddles sometimes. Honestly I don't get what he is talking about half of the time, And the most annoying thing is that I think he dose it on purpose.

I mean seriously every time I try to bring up my memory lost he starts rambling about something else that probably isn't relevant to the questions at all!!

He's totally avoiding the subject.

It didn't matter tho, because I was planning on confronting him today.

As we walked past a candy store I saw a funny little green looking demon. It was relatively small and was jumping around in the Store as I could see it through the big front window. A little boy around 5 also seemed to notice it as he walked by holding his mother's hand.
"Mom look!" He said with excitement in his voice.
"No candy before lunch Luke" the mother responded as they walked past the store.

Clearly the mother couldn't see the demon or she would have reacted differently. I stopped in my tracks which also forced Mephisto to stop. "Somethings wrong my dear?" He questioned tilting his head to the side making him look some what like the Cheshire Cat.
The only thing I could think about in response was "the thing in the window"

Mephisto's head snapped in the direction of 'Sweet temptations' an eyebrow twitching slightly in annoyance. "Amaimon.." he growled just low enough that I could pick up on it with my demon hearing.

"I told him to keep his pet on a leash. I particularly said; don't let it wander off "

with a snap of a finger the green demon was in my arms. "I suppose we should return him to his owner, right Y/n?" He proceeded to dust off his arms even tho he wasn't dirty.

"Yeah.." I looked down in my arms, the being was actually extremely cute if you asked me. It..or rather he, nuzzled into my chest making himself comfortable In my grip. I petted it slowly lost in the moment.

"Huu, I have never seen him do that before. Usually the only one he will cuddle with is Amaimon, everyone else would lose a finger trying to pet it"

My eyes widened as I turned to look at my Supposedly husband with wide eyes.


"I suppose that was reckless of me" he said as he shrugged.

"Maphisto!" I yelled but was interrupted by the green-headed brother himself.

"Behemoth there u are.. I've been looking allll..over for u" Amaimon said in his typical monotone voice as he dropped to the ground having hung upside down on a street lamp.

The being- Behemoth started struggling in my arms before he dropped to the ground with a growl and rushed over to Amaimon leaping in to his arms instead.

A/n ~ thanks for reading this story! If you have any requests or ideas for this story, another story or a one shot please tell me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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