Xie Lian asks for dating advice part 3

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This was originally only supposed to be a 3 part one-shot but I got carried away writing fluff and forgot about the plot rip. I guess I'll be writing a part 4 too so I don't make this chapter 3x longer than the other ones. ;-;

Also I swear some people are allergic to reading part 2s (still love you tho). Half the time everything I've written so far is just to set up the last chapter of the one-shot so I promise it gets better as you go on 😊.

Without further ado, here's part 3, enjoy the fluff!

Xie Lian made his way back to Puqi shrine in high spirits, even humming as he went. The world really did seem so much more colorful after he had sorted through his dilemma. A smile formed on his lips as he thought about how Hua Cheng would react to the birthday gift he thought of. But first, he would need to do some preparation.

Xie Lian plotted as he walked, and before he knew it, he had arrived back at Puqi shrine again. This time, however, it seemed he had come before Hua Cheng. Xie Lian opened the door gently, a strange warmth filling him as he remembered how Hua Cheng had made it for him. Normally Xie Lian would take this time to cook something for Hua Cheng before he came back, but Xie Lian was spent from his earlier adventures and instead collapsed onto the small bed Hua Cheng had constructed and placed in the shrine. He barely remembered to strip his shoes and outer robe before passing out, resolving to put his plan into action the next morning.

Xie Lian lay curled up on his side, dark locks half-covering his face and inner robe slightly slipping off his frame, exposing a small strip of shoulder. It was to this sight Hua Cheng walked into when he entered the shrine and closed the door softly behind him.

Hua Cheng kept his footsteps silent as he approached the sleeping figure on the bed. He reached a hand out and froze just before he touched Xie Lian. Hua Cheng's breathing grew a little ragged and his eyes darkened as he stared at the sleeping figure for a while and retracted his hand. He then reached back out again, arm shaking slightly as tightened the robe that had slipped off of Xie Lian's shoulder.

He then stripped off his own boots and outer robe, crawling into the other side of the bed. His breathing was still slightly heavy, so he calmed himself and reached out, gently wrapping an arm around the figure turned away from him and bringing Xie Lian towards his chest.

Hua Cheng loved holding Xie Lian like this, just breathing in his smell and doing his best to remain respectful towards the sleeping man in his arms.

;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;

Xie Lian woke up to a weight on his hips and turned around, not wanting to get up just yet. He burrowed into the warmth beside him and shoved his legs between Hua Cheng's.

This action was probably what abruptly woke Hua Cheng up from where he was sleeping next to Xie Lian. He tightened his arms around the still asleep Xie Lian and gently kissed his forehead. If his gege had done something as bold as pressing into him when he was awake, he really didn't know if he'd have the self-control to deal with the situation.

And so Hua Cheng rose to start the day, thinking he'd begin by making breakfast for Xie Lian - or he tried to. You really can't underestimate the strength of the greatest martial god of the realm. Hua Cheng was quite literally stuck in Xie Lian's embrace.

There weren't many in this world Hua Cheng would lose to in strength. Perhaps if he really tried to extricate himself from the man who held him in a death grip, he could. But why would Hua Cheng put in such effort when he enjoyed the position?

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