oh my god they were roommates

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"We don't really have anything in our room" Aether sighs. The girls wanted to see each other's rooms and soon enough, the boys got competitive as well. Now everyone was showing off to see who would win their little competition. Aether won't deny it was fun to see his new friend's rooms that showed their personality. "But I guess you'd like Xiao's part of the room."

He opens the door and just as he said. The room looked exactly how it did before Aether and Xiao moved. It was bare and normal just like Ojiro's. Aether hadn't bothered to add or change anything to the room. One would think Aether would go ham on decorating this room just like he did in his Serenitea pot when Aether took an hour rotating a lamp to see what angle works best. That was Aether's makeshift home though. The one he could call home was not part of any nation and was just in his inventory but it was the home he had. Aether opens the curtain and opens the balcony.

"Wooahhh" The class peeks into the . A mattress was pushed to the right side of the balcony filled with throw pillows and fairy lights. Contrary to his part of the room, Aether put his effort into decorating Xiao's instead. He knows it must be unfamiliar for Xiao to suddenly be transported to an unfamiliar place, he didn't have the experience Aether had when waking up in an unknown world. When they first arrived at the dorms, Xiao had been insistent on staying on the balcony every night. Aether supposes the balcony was Xiao's sanctuary. He moved the mattress here just in case Xiao might want to lay or sit down when his legs tire.

"Who allowed you in?" Xiao glares at his classmates, he was standing on the railing of his balcony. Not unlike what he usually does on Wangshu.

"I did," Aether says, "They just wanted to see how our room looks like"

Xiao narrows his eyes before relenting (he could never say no to aether), "Make it quick"

"WOoah!" Mina squeals, "This is so cute!"

Uraraka nods, "Mhm. Looks super cozy!"

"But why are you guys sharing a room?"  Sero asks, "Everyone else had their own rooms"

"Well, we are late transferees. The school didn't really plan rooms for us and seeing as there were only two rooms on the boy's side. We decided to share" Aether explains. He was really getting better at this "pretend transferee" thing.

"That makes sense" Momo accepts. They soon move out of the room but before they do Iida who had been quizzical when he saw the mattress in the balcony exclaims, "Wait"

Iida fixes his glasses, "Why are you sleeping on the balcony? It has very low practicality especially when it's raining and might cause you discomfort that might affect your hero work"

Xiao pointedly stares Aether, silently screaming with his eyes 'Help'

Aether thinks the ceiling was a fascinating sight. The contrast between the white and the dirty white was truly unique.

Xiao quits the silent plead with Aether as he sees that it was no use. He sees the questioning gazes at him, doubly curious seeing as this would be their first actual interaction with him. He settles for vague explanations, "I am used to sleeping outside. I sleep because my human body needs it"

Xiao thinks that was pretty good. He pats himself in the back, he made sure to put the word sleeping in there so he could really emphasize the fact that he was totally a human and slept like every totally a human would.

"But does it not cause you discomfort? Affects your combat abilities?" Iida presses on, "Does the cold not bother you? After all, a month or so from now it would be Autumn"

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