26 | I'm a God

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"Hey!" Lando said as I picked up the phone.

"Hey you." I replied.

"I miss you." He said, and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

I started tearing up, " I miss you too."

It actually hurt me. Being away from Lando. I couldn't explain why, all I knew was I really wanted to be with him right now. I needed to hug him.

"I wish I could be there." I said.

"I wish you were here." Lando said. "I think I need you here. Can you come to the next race?"

"You know I can't. There's no way I'd go unnoticed, and I just can't deal with that yet."

"I know." Lando said, "And I don't want to push you. Just know I'm happy to have you as soon as you're ready."

I sighed. I had actually thought about this quite a bit since we had talked. Maybe it didn't matter if I got hate as long as I was happy. Maybe it would only be a few out of hundreds, and it's not like I had to look at it. Maybe I just needed to buck up and deal with it.

"I'll tell you what," I said hesitantly, "you finish P2 or above in a race, and I'll come to the next one. No matter what."

"Seriously?!" Lando said cheerfully.

"Seriously." I responded.

"We'll get ready to come to Zandvoort!" Lando exclaimed.

"Just make sure you come home in one piece." I said, "Don't be careless, make good decisions. I can't go to a race if you're hurt. Plus, I think it's going to rain today, so please be safe. I need you to be there when I get home."

Lando laughed, "Well if it's going to rain, you have nothing to worry about. I'm a god in the wet."

"Lando..." I said, worried.

"I'm serious Cami, don't worry. I'm not going to crash."

.   .   .

"I'm not going to crash." Lando's words were running around my brain as I watched his Q1 quali lap.

He had looked strong in FP3, and he was setting a blistering pace in qualifying so far. Not even Max could beat him.

Bomma swatted my hand as she sat down next to me on the couch. I tore my eyes away from her for a split second, "Hey! What was that for?"

"Stop biting your fingernails, Cami. You're going to end up with none at this rate."

I hadn't even realized I was biting them. I never bite my fingernails. I put my hands in between my knees, which were pulled close to my chest.

"Sorry," I said, "I'm just worried."

"And you never were before?" Bomma asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I was, but it's different now." I paused, realizing how bad what I was going to say next was going to sound. "I actually know him now."

"It'll hurt worse if he dies." Bomma doesn't ask, she knows it's true.

I nod my head slowly, then add, "It's different when someone you've never really met dies. It's still heartbreaking, but it's not crippling and all-consuming."

"I know." Bomma said, the pain in her voice apparent. I couldn't imagine what it was like in this house for her without Bompa.

"I don't think you need to worry though," Bomma said, "Lando always does well in the rain."

"Oh God." I moaned.

"What?" Bomma said.

I laughed, "I already heard enough, 'I'm a god in the wet.' from Lando this morning."

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