7 | Impressed

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As soon as my shoes were off, Lando was standing right in front of me, holding my shoulders. Once again, I waited until our lips almost touched, and then I ducked under his arm giggling.

Lando groaned, "Do you have to tease me like that?

"Yes." I said, "It's fun."

Lando started to chase me around the house before I stopped in front of his racing memorabilia. A second later, I felt his arms wrap around my waist.

He stood there behind me while I looked at everything. "What do you think?" He asked.

"It's very impressive."

"Are you saying I've impressed you?"

"You've impressed me." I said turning to him. I leaned in to kiss him, and said, "Now impress me more."

Lando hungrily pressed his lips against mine, as he pulled me into his bedroom. He sat down on the bed and I straddled his lap. He put his hands on my waist and I slowly drew mine from his waist up to his head to pull off his shirt. He pulled away for a second and pulled off his shirt, eager to get past my teasing.

We reconnected our lips, and I took my hands into his hair. Lando's hands started to travel down to my thighs, and I pushed him to lie down on the bed. I broke off the kiss and looked at his bare chest, a smirk growing on my face.

I rested my hands on Lando's torso and felt it retract as he laughed at my expression. I smiled and looked at his face as I slowly leaned in. I kissed him softly, twice, as I felt his hand travel up to the middle of my back and pull the zipper of my dress down to the small of my back.

My lips traveled from his to his jaw, then down his neck, onto his chest, landing by the waist of his pants as I worked the button and zipper open. I felt a bulge forming in his pants as I did. I then stood up and let my dress fall to the floor.

I climbed back on top of Lando, and leaned down to kiss him again. Just before I could, I was flipped over onto my back. Lando was now on top of me.

I felt the bed sink down beside my head where his hands were from the pressure, as he looked into my eyes. I reached up and brushed my fingers against his cheek, then ran my thumb over the bottom lip of his open mouth, biting my own in the process.

He then leaned down and kissed my neck, I couldn't help myself, I let out a small moan. I felt his mouth change as he smiled, and his hot breath on my neck as he breathed heavily.

Frustrated by his teasing, I reached down and pulled down his pants, startling him. "Come on," I said, "I'm ready."

. . .

"When do you leave for Croatia?" I asked as I laid, naked, on Lando's bare chest.

"Urm... Monday." Lando told me as he traced circles on my stomach.

"Okay." I said, "Guess we'll just have to make the best of the time we have 'til then."

I didn't want Lando to leave, because he'd be gone for a week once he was, and by the time he got back, he'd already have to start preparing for the Belgian Grand Prix. It was the last GP before I had to go back to Uni, and I would be going home to visit my family that week. I would have to get up by at least 5:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday to even catch qualifying and the race on time.

I used to just watch the recordings of the races with my family hours after they had happened when I was younger, but as I got older, I got up earlier to watch them in secret before going over to my Bomma's house with my dad to watch it. I felt bad watching the race without them, but I couldn't stand not knowing what had happened.

I was already planning on staying at my Bomma's, so I would watch the race with her, and I had told myself I wouldn't watch it beforehand so I could experience it with her, like I used to when I was younger. But now I knew I couldn't do that, because I needed to know if something happened to Lando.

"Or," Lando said, nervously, "You could come with me."

"Oh, no." I said, flipping myself over to look at his face. "You're going with your friends, I'm not going to impede on that."

"Don't be silly." He said, propping himself up so he could see me better. "They all want to meet you. I'm sure they'd be happy to have you come."

"You sure?" I asked.

"Positive." He said, confidently.

"All right," I said. "I have to take care of a couple of things to make sure I can go though." I would have to talk to Kate when I got home in the morning. Maybe ask our friend Julianne to come spend the week with her to make sure she felt safe.

"Of course." Said Lando, smiling at me and tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. He left his hand on my cheek, and I rested my face against his calloused hand, smiling back at him.

The Chequered Flag || Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now