29 | Extra Attention

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Lando and I spent every second of the next week together that we could. He drove to me to sign my contract for the movie, he helped me figure out what to pack for Sochi, and we watched as much TV as we could when I wasn't studying for Uni.

"You hungry?" I asked Lando, pausing the show.

We were both sitting on the couch, my legs draped over his. Just as they had been for the past few hours. Max was on stream and he had the door slightly ajar, so we could hear his muffled voice.

"A bit." Lando responded.

"Why don't you go bother him," I said while pointing in the direction of Max's voice, "and I'll make something for dinner. Can you have a cheat day meal, or do I have to figure out something healthy?"

Lando laughed, "Just make whatever's easiest for you. I'll bug Max, but I wanna spend more time with you than with him, okay?"

"Okay." I responded with a smile.

I got up and stretched before making my way to the kitchen. I opened up the cupboards, looking at what was available to me. I sighed at how little there was before noticing a box of pasta shoved to the back.

I grabbed the box and set it on the counter before taking a look in the fridge. I smiled when I saw the jug of milk with "for Cami, NOT Lando" hurriedly written by Max in Sharpie from when he had first brought it home. I chuckled remembering how Lando had whined, asking how Max could torture him like that.

I scanned through the contents before figuring out they had all the ingredients I needed to make a quick marinara sauce for the pasta. I grabbed everything and set to it.

After a while, I felt Lando's arms wrap around my waist from behind as I was stirring the pasta. He kissed my shoulder before setting his chin on it.

"Can I help?" He asked.

"You can get the strainer out." I responded. Sensing his hesitation, I added, "The thing that looks like a pot, but it's full of holes."

"Oh, yeah. I know where that is." Lando said, seeming extremely proud of himself.

I laughed as he rushed over to one of the cabinets below the island and pulled it out. He held it up triumphantly.

I smiled, "Can you put that in the sink, then get a big enough bowl for all this pasta and put it on the counter, and set the table?"

Lando started to set the table when he asked how many places he should set.

"I'm not sure. Is Max going to be done soon?"

"He absolutely is!" Max said as he walked into the kitchen. "This smells amazing."

"Thank you." I said, "Now, both of you, away from the stove and the sink, I need to strain the pasta."

Both of the boys went to the other side of the island.

. . .

I sat in bed later, waiting for Lando to finish up the shower he was taking. After texting a few of my friends and reading through the texts from the group chat Carmen had added me to with all of the younger driver's girlfriends, I opened Instagram in hopes of finding the clip from Max's stream when Lando went to bug him.

I found a video and I watched it.

"Hey mate." Max said.

"Hey." Lando said, resting his chin on the back of Max's chair.

Max continues on talking to chat until his thoughts seem to wander, "What's that amazing smell."

Lando smiles, "Either it's me, or it's dinner."

The Chequered Flag || Lando NorrisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ