19 | Just Answer

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I slipped out of Lando's arms, making sure not to wake him up, and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I rubbed my eyes as I sauntered down the hallway.

I poured myself some cereal, and sat in a chair, staring off into space as I ate it. When I put my bowl in the sink, I heard someone walk into the room.

I turned to Max when he asked, in a hushed voice, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." I replied, "How are you?"

"Good. Exhausted."

"Me too." I said. "Thank you again for last night."

"I'm always happy to help, just don't do that again, you scared me to death."

I gave Max a weak smile as I walked back to my room.

Lando was up and scrolling on his phone.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I said.

"Morning." Lando groaned, dropping his phone on the bed.

I plopped down on the bed beside him and placed my head on his stomach. Lando ran his fingers through my hair, gently untangling it.

I was starting to fall back asleep when Lando's stomach growled angrily. I giggled, "Go eat."

Lando laughed and then spoke to his stomach, "Fine, I'll feed you."

He got out from under the covers, and shot me a sweet smile as he walked out of the room.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I had just opened Instagram when my phone went off. I dropped my phone onto the bed, I really needed to turn my ringer down.

I picked it back up to see that it was Bomma. I accepted the call, "Hi, Bomma!"

"Cami, are you in Croatia?!" She said, sounding extremely panicked.

"What's going on?" I said, now worried.

"Just answer the damn question Cami!"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, "Yes, I am!"

"Who are you with Camilla?!"

"Just some guy, his friends, and brother." I said, freaked out.

"Oh my God." Bomma said quietly. "Why would you go out in public?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know your hair Cami, and I bought you that cover-up." Bomma said, "Did you really think you could hide it?"

"Tell me what you're talking about!" I practically screamed at her. I couldn't take all of her cryptic talk.

"Cami, I need you to look at what I'm sending you."

"Bomma, this does not seem like the time to—"

"Just do it." Bomma said firmly.

I pulled up my texts, "Okay, what?"

Bomma didn't respond, and the text came through. She had sent me a link to an article, and when I read the title, I let out a little yelp.

"What the hell is this?" I asked.

"There's a video too." My bomma said.

I heard a ping as she sent a YouTube link.

I felt almost lightheaded as I got out of the bed and walked down the hall. Bomma was silent on the other end of the line.

When I walked into the living room, Oliver noticed me first, "Cami, are you okay?"

At that, Lando whipped his head around, and when he saw my expression, his face twisted with concern and he bolted up from the couch.

"What's going on?" He asked.

My mouth was just slightly open, and I felt myself begin to sway as he walked over to me.


"I'm sorry." I managed to choke out.

"Wha—" Lando started, but I cut him off as I showed him my screen.

He read the article title, and quickly pulled me into a hug. "This is not your fault. Please don't apologize." He said into my hair.

"What's going on?" I heard Max ask.

My bomma spoke, "'Finally Found a Girlfriend in Dubrovnik? Lando Norris Enjoying the Beach in More Ways Than One.'"

"Already fifteen thousand hits." Martin said.


i'm so, so sorry i've taken so long to get this chapter out. i was struggling with where to separate the chapters, so i have part of the next one written since it was originally in this chapter. i've also been super busy recently with tests, projects, and putting together a big birthday surprise for my best friend. anyway, doesn't matter. thank you for sticking with this story, it means so much to me! i'm sorry to is chapter is so short, but the next one will be significantly longer, i promise you that. oh! and thank you all so much for the support you have shown for this book! thank you to those who are voting, and i love reading any comments you guys leave. also... 1k reads?! that's insane!!! anyway, be on the lookout for the next chapter, coming soon! 🧡

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