sweet-talkin', sugar-coated candyman

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By retrosas

“And if I fuck shit up here?” Wakasa croons, amused at how the other looks into his eyes again, shaking. “What’s the law gonna say about that?”

“I…Um, I...uh…”

Wakasa licks his lower lip; it tingles with need. With it, something blooms in his stomach, and his smile slowly widens as he shows his other fang. “So? The fuck are you gonna do about it?”

He makes a show of licking his teeth. He likes how blue eyes immediately catch on as their bearer shakes. He barks out a quick laugh.

“What’s it gonna be, huh, Takemichi?”

Takemichi's monotonous night shift is broken when Wakasa, a delinquent, comes in to buy cigarettes. He shows Takemichi just why the most dangerous thing in the world isn't blood or injury—it's a boy with charm.



Takemichi Harem AU & AO3Where stories live. Discover now