Finding Him by xxxalexxx

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26 year old Takemichi finds himself on the streets on the verge of homelessness. He’s lost his job and can’t pay his rent or even food for himself. He ends up accidentally running into someone, they seem so familiar but he can’t seem to place his finger on it. The ‘stranger’ offers to buy him a drink and he accepts, after getting drunk he ends up spilling his situation and in his drunk state of mind, he agrees when the stranger offers him a place to stay the night.

When he wakes up the next morning, he’s surrounded by many faces that seem so familiar to him but he just can't remember.

Takemichi gets into a car accident and gets serious amnesia. Not knowing anything of his old life he decided to move away and start a new one with a family member in another city.



Takemichi Harem AU & AO3Where stories live. Discover now